標題: 操作型教材教學步驟數量大小之學習成效評估--以「Excel檢定教學」為例
The Evaluation of Learning Outcomes for the Different Amounts of Operational Procedure Instruction - Take "Teaching for EXCEL Software of Skill Learning" for Example
作者: 徐淑芬
Hsu, Shu-Fen
Chen, Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 教學切割單位;操作型教材;教學操作步驟;學習成效;Teaching cut unit;Operational Procedure Instruction;Teaching operation step;Learning achievement
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 綜觀國內技職教育體系電腦相關的課程為了與專業證照結合,教學重點大多著重於電腦應用軟體的教學,而電腦軟體應用操作學習,是屬於程序性知識(procedural knowledge)的學習。程序性知識(procedural knowledge)學習需透過短期記憶(short-term memory)運作,然而學習者短期記憶(short-term memory)容量是有限的,同時是影響學習成效的重要因素。所以教師在實施操作型教材的教學時,每一次的教學示範,到底要呈現多少的教學步驟數量對學生學習才有較佳的幫助,是一個非常值得探討的問題。故本研究主要目的在探討操作型教材在不同的教學操作步驟數量對學習成效的影響,並希望歸納分析出最佳的教學操作步驟數量。 本研究依據操作型教學的活動,進行教材分析,並提出一個操作型教材文件模型(operational procedure instruction document model ),將教材分成任務(task),工作程序(work step),技巧(skill),操作集合((operation set),,切割單位(cut unit)及基本操作(atomic operation)。基於此模型下,以學生的短期記憶容量為考量,並將困難度較高或操作步驟數量較多的操作集合(OS)依本研究所定義的切割原則進行切割,分別切割為一單位的教學切割單位(1CU)、二單位的教學切割單位(2CU)、三單位的教學切割單位(3CU)與四單位的教學切割單位(4CU)後,並邀請高職ㄧ百五十四位學生參與本實驗,同時分別施以不同單位的CU進行實證研究。並以統計方法找出多少教學操作步驟數量對學生學習成效有助益。 由研究結果瞭解,(1)簡單的教學單元裡,不同的教學切割單位對於學生學習成效均沒有顯著助益。(2)教學單元困難度為中、難的單元裡,採取二單位的教學切割單位(2CU)進行教學,有利於大部份學生的學習;然而,針對高分群(高分組)與中分群(中分組)的學生,使用二單位的教學切割單位(2CU)進行教學,對於學生學習成效較有助益。反觀,低分群(低分組)的學生,使用一單位的教學切割單位(1CU)進行教學,對於低分群的學生學習成效有明顯的幫助。(3)在困難度極高的教學單元裡,對中分群與低分群的學生而言使用切割一單位的教學切割單位(1CU)進行教學,對於學生學習成效比較有幫助。 所以,由研究結果知道,在不同困難度的教學單元裡,教師在進行操作型教材的教學活動時,採取不同教學步驟數量進行教學對於學習者的學習成效是有影響的。
Make a broad survey of domestic vocational education, the key point of computer teaching put much stress on the software application teaching. However, making the related application software known by students and getting professional certificates are part of standard vocational education. And leraning of software application operation belongs to the part of procedural knowledge learning; procedural knowledge learning requires the operation of short-term memory. But there is a limit about short-term memory of the learners, and it is the main cause that affects learning outcomes.So in each operational procedure instruction, if we want students’ learning effects to improve, what the amount of instruction exactly is? It’s really a crucial point and needs to be studied thoroughly. So the main purpose of the study is to explore how the learning effect can be in terms of different amount of operational procedure instruction, and I hope to analyze the topic, then generalize and find out the most proper amount of instruction. The study is based on operational procedure instruction. I analyzed this teaching materials and then brought up an operational procedure instruction document model. In the model, I divide teaching materials into six parts such as task, work step, skill, operation set, cut unit, and atomic operation. I take the limit of students’ short-term memory into consideration, and then divide the OS, which is advanced or contains larger amount of procedure instruction, into 1CU, 2CU, 3CU, and 4CU. Then, I invited 154 vocational high school students to this experiment, and grouped them into different CU to test them. Finally, by statistics, I found out what amount of operational procedure instruction can improve students’ learning effects. Through the research findings, we know three things, which are as follows: (1)In simple lesson, there is no apparent help for different cut units. (2)In intermediate or more advanced lessons, 2CU benefits students more. However, for the high achievers and middle level achievers, 2CU benefits students more. But, for the low achievers, 1CU benefits students more. (3)In advanced teaching lessons, to intermediate and low level students, 1CU benefits students more. Therefore, through the research findings, we know that if teachers can use different teaching amount for students with different levels in operational procedure instruction, this will surely have an influence on the students’ learning effect.


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