標題: 高功率光激發式半導體雷射之自鎖模研究
Self-Mode-Locking Investigation of High-Power Optically Pumped Semiconductor Laser
作者: 李易純
Lee, Yi-Chun
Chen, Yung-Fu
關鍵字: 光激發式半導體雷射;高階模態耦合;自鎖模雷射;OPSL;High order mode coupling;self-mode locking laser
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 我們利用高功率雷射二極體當作雷射激發光源,再利用鋁鎵铟砷半導體材料當作增益介質,產生波長為1060nm的雷射,並且藉由改變輸出鏡的反射率及曲率來優化雷射的輸出功率。除此之外,在實驗的過程中發現了光激發式半導體雷射會有自發性鎖模的現象,其輸出模態為非單一基態,而是有高階橫向模態的耦合,因此其輸出脈衝會有拍頻的產生,而且會隨著位置的不同拍頻的程度也有所不同,在本文中會詳細的探討。
The research used high-power laser diode to be a pumping source and mono¬lithic III-V semiconductor chip contains GaAS layers as gain medium to absorb the IR light alternated with InGaAs quantum wells. In the progress, different values of reflection of output coupler and radius are used as parameters to optimize the laser output power. During the research, self-mode-locking is found as a phenomenon in the operating laser system. However, the laser pattern in time domain was observed not a single mode, but coupled with several high order modes and induce to beating in the laser. The details are discussed in the thesis.


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