標題: 在變與不變之間:客籍作家吳濁流的國族認同
Between Continuity and Change--- Exploring National Identity of Hakka Writer Zhuoliu Wu
作者: 羅致遠
Lo, Chih-Yuan
Shu, Wei-Der
關鍵字: 吳濁流;國族認同;客籍作家;黑人化心理學;Zhuoliu Wu;national identity;Hakka writer;psychology of nigrescence
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在變與不變之間:客籍作家吳濁流的國族認同 學生:羅致遠 指導教授:許維德 博士 國立交通大學客家文化學院客家社會與文化碩士在職專班 摘 要 本研究的目的在探究吳濁流於不同生命階段的國族認同狀態,除了生命史以外,另外還以吳濁流的作品為分析素材,包括了《無花果》、《台灣連翹》以及各時期重要的作品,藉著不同階段的時代背景、生命故事及作品分析來探索他的國族認同狀態以及形成的原因。 透過這個研究,我們提出了一些發問,包括:在每一個階段中,吳濁流國族認同的狀態及內涵是什麼?吳濁流不同階段的國族認同是如何產生的?與前一階段的國族認同有何差異?本研究透過Cross的黑人化心理學認同發展模型分析並輔以Parham的認同循環理論,以傳記研究法的方式,來探究吳濁流的國族認同,並將吳濁流劃分為七個生命階段:(1). 童年時期(1900-1910);(2). 求學時期(1910-1920);(3). 任教時期(1920-1940);(4). 記者時期(Ⅰ)(1941-1942);(5). 記者時期(Ⅱ)(1942-1947); (6). 社會處、大同職業學校及機器同業公會時期(1947-1964)以及 (7). 《台灣文藝》時期(1964-1976)。 透過本研究的分析,我們發現在吳濁流的童年時期,由於受到祖父的影響,國族認同是以漢族認同的方式存在。接著在求學階段,雖然吳濁流心中仍有祖父的影響,但我們相信在當時教育體制的灌輸下,一個面對龐大國家機器的青少年,心中存在日本國族認同,應是可以理解的。而在任教階段,雖然吳濁流在職場中遭遇許多不平等的事件,但由於性格上的怯懦,再加上生活的穩定,他仍然維持了前一階段的國族認同,在這之前的三個階段,他的認同分類都是屬於Cross認同階段中的「前遭遇期」。但在1940年秋年的「新埔運動場事件」,點燃了吳濁流心中民族主義的火燄,這個事件,也讓吳濁流邁入了「前遭遇期」。在第四個階段,吳濁流遠赴南京,我們將之視為追尋認同的「沉浸期」。自南京返台後不久,筆者分析了當時的作品及台灣光復的心情,認為吳濁流進一步邁入了「內化期」;也在這個階段,吳濁流遭遇了二二八事件,二二八事件促使他重新思考國族認同的內涵,而邁入了「再遭遇期」。並在職業公會階段進入「再沉浸期」,最後在《台灣文藝》時期將台灣意識內化修正,並融入了他的國族認同,達到「再內化期」。 關鍵字:吳濁流、國族認同、客籍作家、黑人化心理學
Between Continuity and Change --- Exploring National Identity of Hakka Writer Zhuoliu Wu Student:Chih-Yuan Lo Advisor:Wei-Der Shu ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to explore the national identity formation in Zhuoliu Wu’s life. I made a careful analysis of the developments as well as causes of Wu’s national identity from his works written in different life periods, including The Fig Tree, Golden Dewdrop(Taiwan Lien-giou), and some other important works. I made a number of questions in this study: What was the content and meaning of Zhuoliu Wu’s national identity in his various stages? What caused the specific type of national identity in his different periods? What kind of continuity and change existed among his life phases? I tried to answer aforementioned questions through the application of “Psychology of Nigrescence” proposed by William E. Cross Jr. as well as “Cycles of Psychological Nigrescence” suggested by Thomas A. Parham. I put forward a seven-stage-framework of Zhouliu Wu’s national identity: (1). Childhood (1900-1910); (2). School days (1910-1920); (3). Teaching stage (1920-1940); (4). Reporter stage I (1941-1942); (5). Reporter stage II (1942-1947); (6). Stage of Social Affairs, Tatung School, and Mechanical Association (1947-1964); and (7). Stage of Taiwan Literature (1964-1976). The first three stages of Wu’s national identity were correspondence with the notion of “Pre-encounter” proposed by Cross. Due to his grandfather’s influence, he held the Han identity in his childhood. Although still effected by his grandfather, he turned his national identity toward Japan during the school days. That was reasonable for a young man because of education he received and the circumstances he faced at that time. After starting to teach, Wu encountered a lot of unfairness, but his cowardice and the desire of keeping a stable life made his national identity unchanged. Not until the “Incident of Sinpu Sports Ground” in 1940 did Wu’s national identity stepped into the period of “Encounter” suggested by Cross. It lit the fire of Wu’s nationalism and began his forth stage of national identity. Wu went to Nanjing in 1941, which is regarded as the period of “Immersion-Emersion.” Soon after coming back from Nanjing to Taiwan, he turned his national identity into another period called “Internalization,” which could be seen from his works that revealed his feelings toward the “Retrocession of Taiwan.” It was the very same period that Wu confronted the 228 Incident, which caused him to reconsider the inner part of national identity and brought him into another stage --- “Re-encounter” period. In the Stage of Social Affairs, Tatung School, and Mechanical Association, he turned into the period of “Re-Immersion-Emersion.” Finally, in the Stage of Taiwan Literature, he made some correction and internalization about his Taiwanese consciousness which combined with his national identity and push himself enter “Re-Internalization” period. Key words:Zhuoliu Wu, national identity, Hakka writer, psychology of nigrescence
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