標題: 殖民宿命與島嶼重生:邱家洪《台灣大風雲》之研究
The Fate under Colonialism and Rebirth of the Islands :A Study of Chia-Hung CHIU's Taiwan's Parorama
作者: 許杏齡
Hsu, Hsing-Ling
Ko, Chao-Chin
關鍵字: 邱家洪;台灣大風雲;大河小說;殖民宿命;島嶼重生;台灣主體意識;Chia-Hung CHIU;Taiwan’s Parorama;saga novel;the fate under colonialism;the rebirth of the islands;the idea of Taiwan’s main body
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文探討從地方政壇退休的小說家邱家洪於2004年出版的最新台灣大河小說《台灣大風雲》。小說家以此五大冊的小說敘述自日本時期、太平洋戰爭、二二八事變、戰後漫長的戒嚴體制,一直到公元2000年的首次政黨輪替的世紀台灣史。這不僅是一本最新的台灣史大河小說,也是一本小說家自認為能表達他本人與那一世代台灣人的對於近代台灣史的歷史觀點。這特別由一個長期從事國民黨黨工的小說家來說,更具意義深長。本論文以「殖民宿命」及「島嶼重生」作為探討《台灣大風雲》的兩個詮釋架構,分析《台灣大風雲》作為一史詩般的大河小說,如何藉由小說主角的家族社會生活史敘述,鋪陳出台灣島的一世紀殖民歷史與去殖民的主體性建構。論文第一章概述研究動機、研究方法、研究架構與現有文獻回顧。第二章介紹小說家邱家洪的生命背景,探索其文學創作的理念及精神。第三章分別以台灣土地意識的內涵分析《台灣大風雲》所反映的「殖民宿命」。第四章則處理小說中,暗含以台灣人民在歷經長期被殖民之後,如何逐步發展出的政治自覺之主體意識,並如何在以一種寬容敦厚、吸納外來文化的性格中創 造出一種特有的去殖民之「島嶼重生」力量。第五章為結論,歸結《台灣大風雲》是一篇以敘述台灣歷經一世紀二個外來政權的結束為敘述主體的大河小說,其書寫理念建立在反思台灣社會所具有的「殖民宿命」的處境,以及「島嶼重生」的台灣主體意識創生契機。
The thesis discusses the latest Taiwanese saga novel, Taiwan’s Parorama, published in 2004. It was written by a novelist Chia-Hung CHIU, who retired from the local political circle. He described the Taiwanese history which included the frame of martial law spanning from the period of Japan, the Pacific Wars, the 228 incident to the post-war period and the first change of the government party in 2000. This is not only a latest saga novel of Taiwanese history, but also a novel that is considered by the novelist himself to be able to represent the historical viewpoint of his and the Taiwanese people in his generation. It is especially meaningful for a novelist who has long been a party labor for the KMT. The thesis discusses Taiwan’s Parorama with the following two frameworks: the fate under colonialism and the rebirth of the islands. It analyzes how Taiwan’s Parorama , as an epic-like saga novel, lays out the centurial colonial history of Taiwan and the decolonial main construction. The first chapter talks about the motivation, research methods, research frameworks and the literature review. The second chapter introduces Chia-Hung CHIU’s background and explores his ideas and spirits of his literary creation. Next, the third chapter analyzes the colonial destiny, which is reflected from Taiwan’s Parorama. Chapter four discussed how Taiwanese people’s idea of main body is gradually developed under the long-term colonialism and how they create the special power of rebirth of the islands with a personality of tolerance and sincerity. Finally, the fifth chapter concludes that Taiwan’s Parorama is a saga novel describing that Taiwan has experienced two ends of the allochthonous regimes within a century. This idea of this novel establishes on the reflection of the situation of Taiwan’s colonial destiny and the turning point of the rebirth of Taiwan’s main body.