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dc.contributor.authorTien, Li -Huaen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Hsiu -Hsinen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以峨眉七星村的宗教生活為研究的起點,研究的對象為境內三個屬 性不同的民間信仰社群,分別是伯公、村廟和跨村際的祭祀組織。透過社群建構 及實踐宗教與社會生活的歷程,來討論此各個社群的屬性、內涵、互動和整合等。 從伯公信仰社群的日常生活儀式中,便可以觀察出,農民與土地的關係就如 村民與伯公的關係,緊緊相依,是尺度最小的信仰社群。透過祭祀組織的溯源發 現了現今村廟的祭祀範圍和拓墾組織進程大致是相符的,得以釐清祭祀範圍不只 是空間的分佈更是社會文化建構的歷史過程。 雖然地域上的歸屬感和界線確定了,但不足以建構一個有機團體,因此,地方 上的頭人發起了關於主神聖誕千秋的祭典活動,藉著定期的歲時祭儀的機會,定 時溝通互動,透過象徵產生集體意願,而這集體意願讓成員歸納自己屬於哪個社 群,讓村民打從心裡認同進而產生歸屬感,這些群體的溝通密度較高、凝聚力較 強的。 跨村際的祭祀組織經常是資源的整合而合併的,但對七星村居民是很虛弱的連 帶,因為此大社群是由許許多多的小社群合併的,彼此互動機會不多,但對於管 理組織中的經理人、頭家就不是如此,而是他們透過此得以有更多作生意的機 會,是一個經濟的整合。此外,從當地人口耳相傳的威靈和靈驗事蹟中,發現其 所展現的時間是神聖的、永恆的、可重覆的,將說不完的神威故事投射在象徵意 義的慶典儀式,鼓舞起崇拜的熱情與力量。就是這股力量讓這些社群生生不息。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study uses the religious life of 7-Star Village as the start point and targets on three different societies of beliefs: Bo-Gong, Cun-Miao and Kua-Cun-Ji. They are the organizations to offer sacrifices to god. Discussions will be on each of their nature, culture and interaction and intergration through the society structure and the practice of religion and social lifes. Observations found that the relation between farmers and land are closely attached as to the relation between villagers and Bo-Gong through the daily-life-ceremonies of the religious Bo-Gong society, which has smallest scale. Through the original traces of structure of offering sacrifices to god, the today’s range of Cun-Miao’s way of offering sacrifices to god of is found almost the same as the original. Therefore the range of offering sacrfices to god does not limit to space distribution but the process of the history of the cullture. Even though the sense of belonging and the limit of territory are confirmed, however, this is not enough to structure an organic group. Therefore the local head brings up activities of offering sacrifices to the main god Saint Qian-Qiu. This opportunity of regular scrifices offering ritual is used to communicate each other to create collective wishes. The desire of this group will let the members to induce themselves into the society which they belong to. Kua-Cun-Ji, organization of offering sacrifice to god, is often merged with intergrated resources. This is a weak relation for the 7-Star Village residents because large societies are formed by merging many of the small societies, the chances of interactions are small. However, this is not the case for the manager and the heads ofthe organizations, they gain more business opportunities through this intergration, a business intergration. The time used in the efficacious and spiritual events by word-of-mouth of the locals is holy, eternal, repeatable. The god stories are reflected in the symbolic ceremonial rituals inspiring the passion and power. This is the strength that the societies will live continually.en_US
dc.subjectEmai Townshipen_US
dc.subjectorganization of offering sacrifices to goden_US
dc.subjectdaily lifeen_US
dc.titleThe Social Construction of Ritual Communities:The Case Study of 7-Stars Villageen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis