標題: 家族、茶廠與地方派系:以苗栗縣獅潭鄉北四村為例之探討
Family、Tea Manufacturing Plant and Factionalism:Using the Case ofnorthern four villages in Shi-Tan township, Miao-Li County
作者: 黃郁舒
Huang, Yu shu
Lien, Jui-Chih
關鍵字: 家族;茶產業;地方派系;獅潭鄉;Family;Tea Manufacturing Plant;Factionalism;Shi-Tan township
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本文以「家族、茶廠與地方派系:以苗栗縣獅潭鄉北四村為例之探討」為題,以清末開墾獅潭家族為研究起點,探究地方家族發展、地方產業、地方派系之間的面貌。 首先在清領時期,獅潭豐富的山林資源,吸引著開墾者不畏艱辛前來開墾,早在大批漢人開墾獅潭之前,就有一批後龍新港社人和漢人已先行開墾獅潭,與泰雅、賽夏族分別盤據獅潭,之後政策與樟腦之利吸引大批漢人開墾,其中以黃南球、劉緝光最為著名。 清末到日治時代,領導獅潭的黃南球、劉緝光家族在事業重心轉移外地後,只留下少數後代在獅潭生根發芽,此時樟腦市場萎縮,產業轉換為茶產業,提供其他家族發展機會,其中黃棋信家族後裔黃天生族人,為維持家族勢力,採用雙軌經營方式,除配合產業轉換開設茶廠外,也積極投資在地方政治上,獅潭「黃家幫」之名也因此不徑而走,獅潭鄉也曾因此被外界冠上「黃家鄉」的名稱,即使在民國八十年代茶產業萎縮後,依然能靠著地方政治勢力,在黃家鄉稱號中風光多時。 茶產業市場萎縮後,兩股外來政治勢力依賴地方菁英快速深入獅潭,這提供獅潭人另一個投資的方向。雖然外來政治試圖藉著地方勢力由上到下控制地方社會,然而地方人民卻仍遵循著長久以來的地方生活方式來決定地方政治勢力,因此在推選候選人時,外來政治勢力仍不得不尊重獅潭人民的決定。獅潭人民一再強調派系對立的問題只出現在少數人身上,事實上獅潭人早已為了生存而被地方派系影響,而這也只是人民為求生活而產生的結果,也許在未來某一天,當地方政治勢力對人民而言已不是唯一投資時,獅潭的地方社會也許又呈現另一種光景。
Setting out to review the pioneer’s families in Shi-Tan in the later period of Ching dynasty, this research studies the case of the northern four villages in Shi-Tan to explore the aspects among family development, local industry and local factions. When Ching dynasty governed in Taiwan, the rich forest resources in Shi-Tan attracted lots of pioneers, who defied hardship and danger, to cultivate the land. Prior to the cultivation by the large number of the Han Chinese led by Nan-Chiou Huang and Ji-Guang Liou, Shi-Tan was already under cultivation by some other Han Chinese and people from Hsin-Gang-She, Ho-Long, who settled there with aborigines of Tai-Ya and Sai-Shia tribes. However, these earlier settlers were neither ambitious nor in possession of enough force and funds to fight the aborigines. Therefore, they did not turn into families as wealthy as those of Nan-Chiou Huang and Ji-Guang Liou. During the last reign of Ching dynasty and the period of Japanese governance, the business focus of the leading families of Nan-Chiou Huang and Ji-Guang Liou had transferred to other areas, and only a few of their descendants stayed and settled down in Shi-Tan. Meanwhile, the camphor market had shrunk and the business was shifted to tea manufacturing industry, which provided other families with the opportunity to thrive. For instance, the family of Tian-Sheng Huang, offspring of the Chi-Shin Huang family, adopted a two-way policy to maintain their family’s influence. Besides setting up tea factories, they also invested politically. As a result, “Faction of Huang’s” in Shi-Tan became so famous that Shi-Tan Township was once called “The Huang’s Township”. Although the tea industry declined after the eighty’s of Republic year, the Faction of Huang’s remained prosperous with their political influence in The Huang’s Township, named after them. After the recession of the tea industry, two outside political influences rapidly became involved in Shi-Tan through some local elites, and this change provided the villagers of Shi-Tan with alternatives in investment. Despite the attempt made by the outside influence to take complete control of the society through some local powers, local people still followed their own way to make political decisions. Hence, in regard to candidate selection, outside political influence could not but respect local opinions. Although people of Shi-Tan insisted that factional opposition only affected a small number of them, in fact, they were already deeply influenced by factionalism for the sake of survival. That was just the result of people struggling to live. In the future, if local politics is no longer the only investment of people, the society of Shi-Tan may become quite different. Key words: Family, Tea manufacturing industry, local politics, Shi-Tan Township