Title: | 嵌入式裝置的原始碼層級耗電分析工具 Source-Level Energy Profiling Tool for Embedded Devices |
Authors: | 張藝馨 Chang, Yi-Hsin 曹孝櫟 Tsao, Shiao-Li 資訊學院資訊學程 |
Keywords: | 耗能分析;動態的原始碼插入技術;energy consumption;dynamic source instrument |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 耗能對於行動裝置來說,一直是個很重要的議題。在有限的電池容量下,如何有效的利用硬體資源以達到省電及效能的要求,並完成工作目標,是軟體開發者重要的議題。在這篇論文中,我們開發及設計了一個耗能量測分析工具。這個工具可以提供軟體開發者在行程層級,函式層級及原始碼層級的耗能分析報告,藉以作為軟體開發者評估其所設計軟體品質的依據,並設計出符合省電及效能的軟體。耗能量測分析工具可以分為,取得行程及函式執行的時間、擷取系統耗能數據、及關聯系統執行時間和耗能數據並提供分析報告等三個部分。我們利用了動態的原始碼插入技術,改善了過往研究在取得行程及函數執行時間時的缺點,提供了一個具有彈性及容易使用的耗能分析工具。我們的工具包括了一個圖型使用者介面,讓程式開發者能動態的新增及刪除想要量測的函數,並且不需要重新編譯原始碼及重開機。實驗結果顯示,利用動態的原始碼插入技術,我們的耗能量測分析工具可以提供正確的行程層級,函式層級及原始碼層級的耗能分析報告。 Energy is always a critical resource in battery-driven devices. How hardware components are controlled and used by the applications and system software can significantly affect system’s energy consumption. In this thesis, we propose a measurement based energy profiling tool to assist software designer to determine different software design choices. The measurement based tool records target device’s power samples and system activities simultaneously, and correlating them together to generate device’s energy consumption report. Previous researches use statistical sampling or manual instrument method to record device’s system activities which may increase system overhead and lack of flexibility. We adopt dynamic source instrument technique and provide a GUI front-end tool to profile on the native (non-Java) part of Android system. The fine-grained process-level, function-level and code block-level performance and energy profiling reports are provided. The experiment results show the correctness of proposed profiling tool with low instrument overhead (0.02 milliseconds per function calls). |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/46519 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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