標題: 中國古籍文件校勘系統設計與開發之研究
The Design and Development of Web-based Chinese Ancient Book Automatic Version Comparison System
作者: 陳堡皇
Chen, Pao-Huang
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 古籍;註釋;校勘;Ancient book;Annotation;Automatic version comparison
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 中國古籍在歷經多次朝代與時間的傳抄、轉印與轉刻狀況下,往往會出現一種古籍擁有多個版本,後代古籍之校勘研究者需花費許多人力逐字比對與核對,一般使用者亦無法了解各版本之差異為何。本研究是利用電腦快速、記憶、比對的技術,以及網際網路無遠弗屆的特性,建置一個讓研究者與一般使用者容易使用的校勘系統平台,除了協助古籍研究較容易實施註釋及校勘等工作,並且可容易發現大量人工校勘很難查察的錯誤,節省時間與提高校勘的質與量之外,亦讓對於古籍有興趣的使用者可以同時閱讀不同版本的古籍,並且閱讀其中之差異。
The Chinese nation has a long history of five thousand years of civilization which leaving many precious cultural relics and books. Especially the ancient books which made copies and transferred through many dynasties have many versions in the same book. The results bring confusion and trouble to users and researchers. Therefore, the present study utilizes the computers technology and Internet borderless features, including the speed, memory and comparison to design a systematic platform that easy to use for researchers and general users. After inserting data to the system, it will automatically show different words or paragraph in the different ancient book versions and help researchers make annotation and textualism. In addition, the users can figure out many errors which difficult to find manually. It also improves the quality and quantity of textualism and reaches the goal of automatic version comparison.


  1. 954801.pdf

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