Title: 行動化圖書館電子資源整合查詢系統之研究
A Study of Integrated Search System in Mobile Library
Authors: 蕭揚喬
Hsiao, Yang-Chiao
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
Keywords: 個人化;資訊選粹服務;數位圖書館;行動化圖書館;電子資源整合檢索系統;RSS;Personalization;SDI;Digital Library;Mobile Library;Integrated Meta Search System;RSS
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 圖書館的電子資源館藏豐富且多元化,加上智慧型手機的普及與行動通訊科技的發展,如何提供使用者更方便且整合性高的資訊服務,以及如何讓圖書館的資訊可以隨時隨地且隨手可得成為目前圖書館最重要的課題之一。 本研究以智慧型手機的內建瀏覽器為基礎,設計建置了一套訂閱電子資源整合系統查詢結果的平台-MMRS(Mobile for MetaSearch RSS System)。MMRS 採用Mobile Library 的理念,利用個人化的技術與方法,讓使用者可以依個人的背景、喜好,精確定義電子查詢的搜尋結果。最後透過手機內建網頁瀏覽所訂定的查詢結果。MMRS也會依據使用者的閱讀習慣計算全文瀏覽次數。 研究結果顯示,利用手機瀏覽訂閱的結果,讓使用者可以隨時隨地接收圖書館主動提供的資訊,使用者利用智慧型手機訂閱和閱覽新資訊的時候,可以更加便利,符合個人化需求,本研究適合在行動化圖書館服務的個人化服務中導入此項新服務以服務更廣大的使用者。
With the development of information technology and network technology, electronic resources become more convenience and richness. How to provide a more convenient and integrated information service , and How to make the Library’s information readily available anytime , anywhere is one of the most important issue in Library. In this study, base on mobile web browser features, we build and develop a system: MMRS(Mobile for MetaSearch RSS System),allow users without download another mobile application. MMRS concept of using Mobile-Library, the use of personal technology and methods, so that users can rely on their in individual background, preferences, defines the Integrated Search System’s search result. Using the mobile web browser to review the results. User click one of the result, MMRS will be calculated based on the user’s reading habits, and calculate the citations. The result of this research shows that using the mobile phone subscribers view the results, allowing users anywhere 、anytime can receive the information to the library, and the users subscribers by mobile can be more convenient to meet individual needs very suitable .And it is very suitable for mobile library services into the new service to serve more users.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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