DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorTetyana Kholoden_US
dc.contributor.authorKang, Jin-suen_US
dc.description.abstract當科技快速進步時,公司在市場地位和產品研發上和很難與之保持同等速率,對於目前上櫃公司,若要保持不墜之地,更是得花一番努力。當公司遇到改革創新的問題時,通常都以新的子公司來處理。 本文旨在提供新的思維,讓目前的公司能不必另起爐灶來面對創新改革的必然趨勢。本篇以矩形理論為基礎,提供明確的市場訊號給公司處理改革創新的棘手問題;目前的科技和創新科技斜線圖呈現直角時,公司就必須關注創新科技。目前有三種不同的當前與創新理論分析市場訊號,其總結為當直角點出現於交叉線附近時,但時間早於交叉點時,則此直角點為最佳市場訊號。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the speed of technology development increases, it becomes more and more difficult for a firm to keep its market position and update products with the same pace. The competition becomes very tough especially for incumbent firms. When an incumbent firm is facing disruptive innovation historical evidence shows that it cannot handle it within the organization. Usually it sets up a separate entity for handling disruptive innovation. This study aims to help incumbent firms handle disruptive innovation within the organization by proposing a potential market signal for them to switch from incumbent technology to disruptive one. If there is a way for incumbent firms to read this market signal before disruption dominates then it can not only save its market position but also release it from non-necessary waste allied with opening a new branch or establishing a new company. This study applies orthogonality theory to propose a market signal for a disruptive technology. The theory leads to our proposal that when the slopes of incumbent technology and disruptive technology become orthogonal it is a market signal for an incumbent firm to focus on disruptive technology. Three pairs of incumbent-disruptive technology were investigated for the market signal. The findings show that an orthogonal point occurs around an intersection point, earlier than an intersection point for two out of three technologies. It suggests that orthogonal point is more sufficient market signal than intersection.en_US
dc.subjectdirsruptive innovationzh_TW
dc.subjectmarket signalzh_TW
dc.subjectdirsruptive innovationen_US
dc.subjectmarket signalen_US
dc.titleReading Market Signal for Disruptive Innovationzh_TW
dc.titleReading Market Signal for Disruptive Innovationen_US


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