標題: 研究以非液氦操作模式來設計超導充磁系統之低溫腔體
Study of designing a liquid-helium-free cryogenic system for the superconducting magnetization system
作者: 俞詠騰
Yu, Yung-Teng
Hwang, Ching-Hsiang
Chang, Chun-Yen
關鍵字: 超導磁鐵;低溫系統;非液氦;低溫冷凍機;Superconducting Magnet;Cryogenic system;None-Liquid-Helium;Cryocooler
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 為了研究與建造一能供給強磁場且擁有足夠大的充磁空間的超導磁鐵,一個能提供給該系統極低的環境溫度與電流的低溫超導腔體計畫被提出,此低溫腔體將以低溫冷凍機為主要冷卻來源,並以液氮輔助降低電流導電棒之龐大焦耳熱,除此之外,此強磁場源系統採用兩組超導線圈作為供應磁場來源,並研究及設計如何才能使整體機制可以容納大型樣品空間,在有限的空間下做合理的運用。 此論文內容將包含低溫腔體熱分析,腔體設計之研究,與電流導電棒及超導電流導電棒之最佳化過程。
For studying and constructing a superconducting magnet that is able to provide a strong magnetic field and with a large enough space for the magnetization as well. The study of designing a liquid-helium-free cryogenic system for the superconducting magnetization system has been proposed. This cryogenic system will be main cooling by a cryocooler, and using the liquid nitrogen to cooling the huge joule heat by current leads from 300K to 80K. In addition, the source of this strong magnetic field superconducting magnet system with two superconducting coil as a source of supply, and studying how to make the sample space big enough in a limited space. This paper will contain the low-temperature thermal analysis, the study of cavity design, besides the optimized of current leads.


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