標題: 以非諧音數位波導為基礎之中國編鐘聲音合成模型
Sound Synthesis Model of Chinese Chime-Bells Based on Inharmonic Digital Waveguides
作者: 吳致暐
Wu, Chih-Wei
Huang, Chih-Fang
Chieng, Wei-Hua
關鍵字: 中國編鐘;聲音合成;數位波導;Chinese Chime-bells;Sound Synthesis;Digital Waveguides
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本文提出以非諧音數位波導為基礎之中國編鐘聲音合成模型,藉以產生不同編鐘之音色。中國編鐘(又稱雙音鐘)是中國歷史上最重要的樂器發明之一,它有許多特別的聲學特性,其中又以一鐘雙音最為著名。為了進一步了解這些聲學特性,本研究針對一套完整的曾侯乙編鐘複製品進行聲音取樣與分析。同時,對於此複製品與真品之基頻差異也進行評估。根據取樣結果,兩種模型分別被提出用以合成不同基頻範圍之編鐘。研究結果顯示,近似編鐘的聲音可以透過本研究提出之模型合成。未來工作將朝向即時合成之實現與高品質聲音之產生。
In this thesis, the computational sound synthesis models of the ancient Chinese Chime-bells have been presented. The Chinese Chime-bell (also known as Chinese two tone bells) is one of the greatest inventions throughout the Chinese history for having various fascinating acoustical properties such as being able to produce two tones on one single bell. To further understand the acoustical properties, the sounds from a replicated Chime-bell set of Marquis Yi of Zeng had been sampled and analyzed. The pitch discrimination between the original set and this replica has been evaluated. Two models based on the acoustical features of the Chime-bells have been proposed to synthesize the bell sounds. The concept of the inharmonic digital waveguides has been adopted for the implementation of the models. The results show that Chime-bell like sounds could be successfully synthesized. More efforts will be put on real-time implementation and qualitative sound generation in the future.


  1. 250101.pdf

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