標題: 晶片-封裝-印刷電路板的介面設計之演算法
The Algorithms for Chip-Package-Board Interfacing
作者: 徐欣吳
Hsu, Hsin-Wu
Chen, Hung-Ming
關鍵字: 電子設計自動化;繞線;重新分佈層;共同設計;EDA;ROUTING;RDL;CODESIGN
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 現今的晶片(Chip)、封裝(Package)和印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board),是藉由介面(Interfaces)的整合,把各自獨立的設計再加以組合成為單一個系統。隨著輸入輸出阜(Input/Output Port)的數量增加,介面也隨之變得更加複雜,然而,很少電子設計自動化工具(Electronic Design Automation tools)可以提供有效的支援。由介面所衍生的問題通常與許多設計決策(Design Decisions)有關,例如一個新產品從構思到實際推入市場所用的時間(Time-To-Market)以及生產效率;然而,這類問題的判斷不容易被公式化,因此,迫切地需要一些實際且有效的方法,推進晶片/封裝/系統的設計方便性。 另一方面,在當今的設計流程中,晶片設計廠必須與封裝廠反覆地重做重新分佈層的繞線(Re-Distribution Layer Routing),因此,從晶片設計廠的角度而言,必須與封裝廠發展協同設計、以及採用好的重新分佈層繞線器(RDL Router),以達成快速地實現介面的目的。 我們提出的晶片-封裝-印刷電路板的介面設計之演算法包含兩個部份。 第一個作品是適用於繞線空間極擁擠、單層繞線無法達到100%可繞度(Routability)的情形下,採用假單層繞線概念的重新分佈層繞線器。套用於工業界的測試案例上,我們的方法可以達到100%的可繞度且同時可縮小繞線使用道的面積,表現甚至優於當今最先進的商用重新分佈層繞線器。第二個作品包含產生封裝針腳與金屬線規畫的方法,針對晶片-封裝-印刷電路板的共同設計,可避免曠費時日的繞線過程,直接產生金屬線規畫,用以估計封裝大小、信號完整性(Signal Integrity)、及可繞度分析。我們的方法可以實現晶片、封裝、系統設計的快速收斂,藉由這兩個作品,設計廠可以大幅減少設計的困難度及加快上市的時間。
Chip, package, and board are nowadays designed separately and then combined into one system by their interfaces. The interfaces have become much more complex as the number of input/output (IO) pins increases. Few commercial EDA tools provide effective support. Since the problems caused by interfaces involve many design decisions such as time-to-market (TTM) and productivity, and it is not easy to formulate, some practical and efficient interfacing methods are strongly in need to facilitate chip/package/system designs. On the other hand, iterative re-works with package houses and RDL trial routing exist in conventional design flow. Accordingly, from design houses' point of view, co-design with package houses and good RDL router must be developed to enable fast implementation of RDL. Our proposed algorithms for chip-package-board interfacing contain two parts. The first work is RDL routing on pseudo single-layer which targets at congested cases where 100\% routability cannot be achieved within single layer. Our approach can achieve 100\% routability and minimize the area for 2-layer routing on a real industrial case, outperforming a state-of-the-art commercial RDL router. The second work contains the methodologies which can generate package pin-out and wire planning for chip-package-board co-design. It provides wire planning without time-consuming routing process to estimate package size, signal integrity, and routability. Our approaches can enable fast re-spin between chip, package, and system design houses. Through these two works, design houses can greatly reduce the design efforts and time-to-market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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