標題: 針對非即時訊務在IEEE 802.16e系統的一種排程式頻寬要求節能機制
A Schedule Based Power-Saving Bandwidth Request Mechanism for non-Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.16e System
作者: 林筠翰
lin, yun-han
Lee, Tsern-Huei
關鍵字: 節能;頻寬要求;資源保留;power saving;bandwidth request mechanism;resource reservation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 綠能議題在近幾年一直是一個熱門的主題,在IEEE 802.16e的架構之下,亦有不少針對節能而設計的功能。IEEEE 802.16e本身就有提供一般訊務使用的節能功能(睡眠模式),然而每種訊務在成立之前必經的頻寬要求程序目前卻沒有一套用以節能的機制。以往針對頻寬要求程序的研究多偏向於如何減低其碰撞機率,而我們並不朝這個方向去做,相對的,在符合向下相容的條件之下,我們利用已定義的節能信號來擬似一個回應機制,用以迴避因為頻寬資源不足而產生的能量浪費,同時加速發現碰撞的反應速度。同時我們也修正現存頻寬要求數學模型以預估節能機制的表現。在我們的模擬中,以額外的控制信號作為代價的情形之下,能夠節省將近60%的能量浪費,同時每個頻寬要求平均上不超過1.5次的額外控制信號。
The issue of power saving is becoming more and more popular in recent years. In IEEE 802.16e system, there are many mechanism designed for the purpose of power saving. For regular traffic, IEEE 802.16e provides many functions of connection sleeping procedure. However, the unavoidable connection setup procedure, the bandwidth request mechanism, seems come with no specific power saving mechanism. Most existing studies focus on the issue of how to reduce the collision rate of bandwidth request mechanism. While maintaining backward compatibility, we try to make use of predefined functions in standard to produce a quasi-acknowledgement which avoids the waste of unnecessary power consumption resulting from insufficient bandwidth and hasten the collision detection procedure. At the same time, we also extend an existing analytical model to estimate the performance of the proposed algorithm. According to our simulation result, our proposed scheme reduces the waste of unnecessary power consumption by about 60% at the cost of less than 1.5 times control signaling per bandwidth request.


  1. 352501.pdf

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