標題: 室內火警感測網路之設計與實作
Design and Implementation for an In-Building Fire Emergency System based on Wireless Sensor Network
作者: 江宗嶽
Tsung-Yueh Chiang
Chung-Ju Chang
Yu-Chee Tseng
關鍵字: 無線感測網路;室內火警系統;室溫偵測;災情回報;逃生導引;Wireless sensor network;Fire emergency system;Thermometric detection;Emergency report;Survival guidepost
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著科技與時代的進步,促使無線網路的相關技術逐漸被運用於許多重要的領域,尤其是近來備受矚目的「無線感測網路」。將龐大數量的感測器部署於目標環境當中,這些微小的電子裝置均配備著感測、運算與通訊的功能,彼此之間可透過合作與協調的方式,共同達成整體任務,藉此以增進人類生活上的便利與舒適性。 在本篇研究論文中,我們將針對室內建築環境的消防應用情境,設計出一套智慧型的火警感測網路系統—「PHOENIX」,本系統運用前瞻性的無線感測網路技術,使得在佈局上不僅能達到簡易與美觀的優點,同時亦能兼顧安全性的考量,其主要提供的服務項目包括:室溫偵測、災情回報以及逃生導引等三大功能,改良現有以實體線路為基礎的建築消防系統,更能夠有效地降低火警災變所造成的傷害影響;我們將採用美國加州柏克萊大學所研發的微塵感測器硬體平台(Mote-MICA2),結合嵌入式微型作業系統(TinyOS)來實作此套系統,相關於系統細部的架構配置、協定流程與效益評估將一併呈現於本文當中。
Due to the progress of technologies, wireless networks have been widely applied to many important domains, such as wireless sensor networks. The ob-jective of sensor networks is to detect context information of the surrounding environment. Each sensor node has sensing, computing, and communicating capabilities. Sensors cooperate with each other to achieve this goal. In this the-sis, we design an intelligent fire emergency system called PHOENIX for in-building, fire-fighting applications based on wireless sensor networks. The system has three major functionalities, including temperature reporting, emer-gency reporting, and emergency guiding. Because of its wireless communica-tion capability, the vulnerability of wire-line systems is greatly improved. The system is developed based on the Mote-MICA2 hardware platform released by the University of California at Berkeley using a tiny operating system(TinyOS). The thesis reports in details how the PHOENIX system is im-plemented and operated.


  1. 362201.pdf

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