標題: A7050 與A2024 鋁合金異質銲接與銲後熱處理
The Study of Dissimilar Metal Welding and Post-Welding
作者: 唐自勇
Tang, Zih-yong
Chou, Chang-Ping
關鍵字: 鋁合金;氣體鎢極電弧銲;熱處理;銲料;Aluminum;TIG;heat treatment;filler
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究對航空結構元件材料,2024 與7050 之鋁合金進行熱處理與銲接製程基礎研究。本實驗採用氣體鎢極電弧銲,並加入填料ER2319與ER5356 進行銲接。銲後再施予自然時效(T1)、固溶處理(T4)及固溶處理再人工時效(T6)。主要探討藉由不同方式的熱處理製程對材料機械性質與微結構之變化;不同銲料對熔融區機械性質與微結構之影響。並期望將此研究成果運用於航空元件,以達到其輕量化及高強度等特性。 實驗顯示,以金相實驗來觀察其微觀組織,發現到經T4、T6 熱處理後會有大量析出物出現於熱影響區晶粒內部與晶界處,並有發現沿晶破裂之現象。銲件經過銲後熱處理後,其微硬度、極限強度及降伏強度均得到大幅度地提升。在破斷面微結構組織上,T1 狀態之破斷面為韌窩狀組織,屬延性破壞。試片經過T4 處理,出現大量析出物於破斷表面,但仍屬延性破斷。經過T6 處理,部分區域破斷面保持韌窩狀組織,但部分區域轉趨偏向為脆性破壞。
The article was investigated on the A2024 and A7050 dissimilar welding and it’s mechanical properties for post-weld heat treatment process. In this experiment, tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process was utilized to make weldments with filler metals of ER2319 and ER5356. The effect of heat treatment of natural aging (T1), solution treatment(T4), and solution treatment plus artificial aging(T6) on the weldment were investigated. The tensile test, microhardness test, and optical microscope were used to study the mechanical properties and microstructures the effect of different trace elements on the material mechanical properties and microstructure is also determined. After T4 or T6 heat treatment, multiple precipitates were found in heat affected zone(HAZ) grain and grain boundaries. The microhardness, ultimate tensile strength, and yield strength of the heat treated weldment were greatly enhanced by the heat treatment. The fractured surface of T1 treatment shows dimple appearance indicating some ductility. In T6 treatment, some region maintain dimple surface, some region tend to brittleness cracking.


  1. 455701.pdf

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