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dc.description.abstract本研究利用性能式設計法來進行地下場站人員逃生避難檢討,首先探討案例的建築物內部設計條件,如步行距離、樓梯寬度、人員密度等,接著進行案例逃生避難時間分析,探討案例中樓梯人員通量、閘門阻塞程度、出口阻塞程度及人員逃生情形,此外進行避難弱勢族群逃生模擬,並探討避難弱者逃生時的情況。 本研究案例分析架構可分為逃生效率改善、火災位置對逃生之影響、不同人數之逃生影響、各模擬方法之逃生比較及避難弱勢族群逃生等。案例分析結論部分可分為以下幾點: 1. 弧形牆面可減少人員在樓梯轉角處發生碰撞的情形,有助於縮短人員逃生時間,逃生效率約可增加11.17%,樓梯通量最高可增加20%。 2. 若地下場站發生火災,則屬列車失火的情形最為嚴重,因逃生人數過多,使得逃生時間所需最長(8.79min)。 3. 比較各模擬方法後發現,建築物防火避難安全性能驗證手冊在計算人員逃生時間上結果最為嚴苛,而NFPA 130與高雄捷運規範原理相近,計算結果最為寬鬆,SIMULEX軟體結果則介於前述三種方法中間。 4. 利用SIMULEX軟體探討避難弱勢族群逃生情形,發現避難弱者逃生花費時間約為一般正常人的1.6倍。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study analyzes occupant evacuation time in an underground station by utilizing performance-based design method. Firstly, it discusses the internal safety design conditions of the building, such as walking distance, stair width, and occupant density. Then it analyzes the occupant flux across the stairs, interference level of gate and corresponding evacuation situation. The analyses for the evacuation time simulation of disable occupant groups are also given. The framework of this study includes improving the escaping efficiency, the influences on evacuation based on the fire locations and population densities, the comparison by using different simulation methods and the occupant evacuation time simulation of disable groups. The following conclusions are obtained by this research: 1. Curved walls design can smooth the collision sitution of people around the stair corner to help reducing the evacuation time. The escape efficiency of about 11.17% increase, and the occupant flux across the stairs can be increased about 20%. 2. If fire incident occurs in the underground station, the most dangerous case is the fire caused by train because of an excessive population, so the time needed to escape which is 8.79min is the longest. 3. According to the comparison of using different simulation methods, it is found that evacuation time in Route B calculation is the most strictly. The specification principles applied by NFPA 130 and KMRT are the same and it leads to the most loosing result. The results by Simulex software are intermediate between the methods mentioned previously. 4. The evacuation time analysis of disable groups by using Simulex software finds that the evacuation time for such people is about 1.6 times that for normal people.en_US
dc.subjectNFPA 130zh_TW
dc.subjectdisable groupsen_US
dc.subjectoccupant evacuationen_US
dc.subjectNPFA 130en_US
dc.subjectcomparison of different methodsen_US
dc.titleThe Study on Occupant Evacuation Time Simulations in the Underground Stationsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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