Title: 預力鋼腱與阻尼器用於橋梁耐震補強之研究
The Application of Prestressing Tendon and Damper on Bridges Seismic
Authors: 王歆涵
Wang, Shin Han
Jau, Wen Chen
Keywords: 橋梁抗震;SAP2000;預力鋼腱;阻尼器;seismic resistance;SAP2000;high strength wire;damper
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 台灣位於環太平洋地震帶中歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板塊的交界處,為地震發生相當頻繁的區域,地震災害對於台灣地區經濟、社會發展影響非常的大,地震中許多橋梁因此損壞,使得對外的聯絡道路中斷,嚴重還會造成交通、水利與維生系統癱瘓。本文利用預力鋼腱的特性,將其裝設在橋柱或橋面版上,用來降低橋柱在受到地震力中所產生的破壞,以及防止地震所造成之橋面版位移過大所形成落橋;此外,另外再加設阻尼,利用阻尼器消能的特性配合鋼腱在橋梁抗震達到相輔相成的效果。本文是利用SAP2000來進行橋梁模擬,並藉由比較橋梁位移、柱底剪力與橋柱有無降伏等等來探討加上抗震設施後的橋梁抗震效果。
Taiwan is located in pan pacific earthquake zone and is vulnerable to earthquakes from time to time. Earthquakes caused many damages to bridges, buildings, infrastructures and lives. This study uses high strength wires installed on the decks and piers to reduce the forces exerted on the bridge thus reduces the damages and displacements on the bridge. Dampers are also used to improve the performance. SAP2000 was used for analysis. The base shear, lateral deflection, and yielding are compared for the bridges with and without these mechanisms.
Appears in Collections:Thesis