標題: 大專院校實驗型館舍用電分析研究---以交通大學土木結構大樓為例
Electricity Analysis of College Experimental Buildings A Case Study of National Chiao Tung University Structure Building
作者: 莊又安
Chuang, Yu-An
Huang, Shyh-Chang
關鍵字: 大專院校建築;EUI用電指標;節能效益評估;College building;Energy use intensity;Energy saving benefit assessment
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究以交通大學土木結構大樓作為用電分析案例,屬於舊有實驗型館舍, 經分析結果顯示總用電於民國97年至民國99年下降約30萬度,主要原因在於實驗 室使用率由高使用率變成低使用率所致。 土木結構大樓99 年用電結構百分比,預估照明占19.44%,冷氣及空調占 46.75%,電腦7.87%,實驗儀器占18.76%,其他動力占7.18%。 學生研究室帄均每人每年高使用率之用電量為2552 度,中使用率之用電量 為1861 度,低使用率之用電量為1170 度。
In this study, the electricity consumption of an experimental building,Civil-Structure Building of National Chiao-Tung University, is analyzed. The results show that the total electricity consumption is reduced 30 million degrees from year 2008 to 2010. The main reason is that the intensity of laboratory usage is from high to low. Also, according to the electricity evaluation of year 2010, the percentage of electricity consumption of lighting system, air-conditioning system, computers,experimental apparatus and miscellaneous power apparatus is 19.44%, 46.75%, 7.87%,18.76% and 7.18% individually. Finally, the average annual electricity consumption of individual graduate student is 2552 degrees for the high usage, 1861 degrees for the middle usage, and 1170 degrees for the low usage.


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