Title: | 技術服務廠商監造人力配置之模式 Model for allocating inspection monthly manpower of architectural/engineering firms |
Authors: | 陳賜豪 Chen, Ci-Hao 王維志 Wang, Wei-Chih 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 技服廠商;服務成本加公費;人力配置;S-Curve;cost plus a fixed fee;manpower;supervision staffing |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 過去國內監造費用多採用建造費用百分比法計費,監造人力及經費之管控風險,完全由技服廠商承擔,因此業主通常不會對監造人力之配置計畫進行實質審查,僅關注技服廠商總監造人月數之合理性;惟近年政府推動服務成本加公費法之計費方式,業主可能需實際查核技術服務廠商之投入人月數及相關支出憑證,並據以控管技術服務廠商之監造費用,此時合理之監造人力配置計畫則極為重要。 過去技服廠商監造人力之配置計畫,通常以規劃者之個人經驗為基礎,本研究根據監造係為監督及協助營造廠執行工程之服務特性,提出以工程進度預測技服廠商人月數之配置模式,首先透過群集化分析技術,將工程進度與技服廠商人月數S-Curve之差異性,分為相似、人月數超前及人月數落後等3個區塊,再透過回歸分析,建立不同區塊技服廠商人月數之預測函數,建置完成後再以國道新建工程局實際案例為測試及驗證對象。研究結果顯示,本研究模式之當月使用人力預測誤差率約為7.55%,整體使用人力預測誤差率約為1.64%;傳統編列人力方式與實際使用人力,當月誤差約為11.36%,整體誤差約為5.33%。證明本研究配置模式相較於傳統僅以個人經驗配置方式較為迅速及準確,且較有參考之依據,應有助於提升技術服務廠商監造人力配置之合理性,亦可作為業主審查及技服廠商規劃監造人力配置之參考。 In recent years the government at public expense to promote the cost plus a fixed fee of billing, the owner may need to actually check the manufacturer's technical service into one document the number of months and related expenses, and technical services firms, according to control the cost of supervision, reasonable supervision at this time staffing plan is extremely important. Supervision over technical manpower of the service vendor configuration program, usually based on personal experience of the planners, this study is based supervision system to monitor and assist in the implementation of works to create a factory service features offered to the progress of technology service vendors person-months forecast number of configuration mode, through regression analysis, technical service companies in different blocks of the number of person-months forecast function built after the completion of the National Expressway Engineering Bureau of actual cases to test and validate the object. Tested by the case studies, this study compared to the traditional configuration mode configuration only personal experience is more promptly and accurately, and more informational basis, should help to enhance the technology staffing services company supervision of rationality, also as a technical service company owners to review and supervision staffing planning reference. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/47291 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |