標題: 應用綠建築評估指標於大專院校既有建築節能評估之研究─以交通大學工程二館為例
A Study on Energy Saving of College Existing Buildings By Green Building Indicators─A Case Study of National Chiao Tung University Engineering Building II
作者: 林恩
Lin, An
Huang, Shyh-Chang
關鍵字: 既有建築;綠建築;太陽能;照明系統;Existing Building;Green Building Assessment;Solar;Lighting System
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究應用國內綠建築評估系統,以既有教學館舍作為研究對象,評估結果案例並不符合綠建築之照明系統節能標準,其主因為綠建築照明用電密度基準較原設計基準20(W/m2)低。本研究研擬之「T8 型螢光燈管減量」及「T8 型螢光燈管汰換」兩種燈具改善模式,都可使原先不合格之照明系統節能評估達到合格的標準。其中,「T8 型螢光燈管減量」可讓案例減少約13%的照明年用電量,「T8 型螢光燈管汰換」可減少約26%照明年用電量。 其次,本研究建立研究模型並以此既有新竹地區教學館舍作分析,探討太陽 能設置成本與建築物建造成本間之比例關係,在EUI(Energy Use Index)值100(kWh/m2)、太陽能光電板設置成本每1kWp 容量200,000 元、主計處一百年度教室類單位造價編列標準之基準下,顯示設置n%的替代能源所需設置的太陽能成本約為建築物建造成本之n%。
According to the formula of green building evaluation system, the case of existing building does not meet the lighting system index of energy saving. The main reason is that the standard of lighting power density in lighting system index is lower than that of the original design 20 (W/m2). This study evaluates two cases, the reduction and replacement of existing T8 type tube, which will meet the standard value of lighting system index. The results show that the reduction of existing T8 type case will reduce about 13% annual lighting electricity, and the replacement of existing T8 type tube case will reduce about 26%. Furthermore, this study also evaluates the cost ratio between solar set-up and building. In the case of existing building at Hsin-Chu area. The cost ratio is about n% for setting n% alternative energy, basing on the 100 (kWh/m2.year) EUI value, solar cost $200,000/1kWp and the standard price of classroom issued by DGBAS in 2010.


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