標題: 大專院校舊有建築物耗能之研究---以綠建築日常節能指標評估改善照明系統節能效率
A Study on Energy Saving of Old College Buildings--- illuminating systems using the index of daily green buildings energy consumption evaluation criterion
作者: 葉武宗
Wu-Tsung Yeh
Shyh-Chang Huang
關鍵字: 學校建築;舊有建築;綠建築;日常節能指標;照明系統節能效率;生命週期;School architecture;Old building;Green building;Daily Energy conserving index;Energy conserving for illuminating system;Life cycle
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究以學校建築為例,統計分析舊有建築之用電結構及使用情形,提出評估改善照明系統節能之方法與對策,使其符合現行綠建築日常節能指標照明系統節能效率為目的;並以公共工程經費電腦估價系統(PCCES)製作預算書,以建築物之生命週期估算改善效益。大專院校建築物之耗能,以空調、動力、照明為三大結構,對於綠建築政策推行前之舊有建築物其耗能改善,經本研究案例評估以改善照明系統最簡易且約有30~50%之照明省電潛力,是值得推行之節能手法。 本研究結果一方面可確定該棟舊有建築物是否符合綠建築日常節能設計,是否虛耗能源,二方面可了解該棟建築物之耗能結構,規劃節約能源改善或管理方法,使舊有建築物亦能符合綠建築省能效益,減少耗能經費,減緩能源危機問題,以達成節約能源的目的與綠校園的觀念。
Basing on the school architecture, this paper analyzes the power structure of old buildings and their using conditions. It proposes the improved methods of energy-conserving for illuminating system which aims to fill the requirements for existing Green Buildings Daily Energy Conserving Index efficiently. Furthermore, the statement of budget is set according to Public Construction Cost Estimate System (PCCES); the result of improvement is estimated by the life cycle of buildings. The energy consumption of college buildings can be divided into three major structures: air conditioner, power and illuminating. In terms of the improvement of energy consumption of old buildings before the promotion of Green Building Policy, the research case applied by our methods shows the potentiality from 30 to 50 % on energy conserving for illuminating system. The result of our research, on the one hand, ensures whether an old building fills the requirements for the design of Green Buildings Daily Energy Conserving and whether it over-consumes energy; on the other hand, it enables us to figure out the structure of energy consumption of a building. Then, we may therefore map out the methods of improving or managing the energy consumption in order to conform to the energy conserving requirements of Green Building, to spare unnecessary expenses, to increase the competitiveness and to slow down the problem of energy crisis. The ultimate goal would be conserving energy and realizing the concept of Green Campus.


  1. 051101.pdf
  2. 051102.pdf
  3. 051103.pdf
  4. 051104.pdf
  5. 051105.pdf

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