标题: 分解随机Cayley树所需复杂度的极限分布
Limit Theorems for the Cost of Splitting Random Cayley Trees
作者: 郭彦廷
Kuo, Yen-Ting
Michael Fuchs
关键字: 生成函数;极限分布;奇异点分析;树递回;generating functions;limiting distributions;singularity analysis;tree recurrences;Cayley trees
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 在计算科学中,常常需要处理将集合合并的问题,而为了有效率的解决这个问题,需要建造适当的的资料结构和相对应的演算法,这类的问题又称为"Union-Find problem";事实上,已经有许多种不同的资料结构和相对应的演算法被提出来以解决这个问题,为了了解各个方法的优劣,我们考虑最简单的状况,也就是将n 个不同的元素两两合并,直到成为一个集合为止所需的复杂度。在这篇论文中,我们假设每个合并过程所需的复杂度是被合并的两个集合的大小之和的幂次方,求其在随机生成树的机率模型底下,所需总复杂度的极限分布。
In computer science, the so-called "Union-Find problem" is concerned with establishing a data structure for maintaining a collection of disjoint sets such that the process of merging sets can be carried out efficiently. Indeed, several data structures and corresponding
algorithms for merging sets have been proposed. For the purpose of comparing the complexity of these algorithms, it is naturally to consider the total cost incurred from merging n singleton sets into one set. In this thesis, we assume that the cost of each merging step is the power of the sum of the sizes of the sets being merged and
then derive the expected value and the limiting distribution of the total cost under the random spanning tree model.
The main tool used in this thesis is singularity analysis, which is a method connecting the asymptotics of generating functions with the asymptotics of their coefficients. We will use it to derive the moments of each order. Then, with the method of moments, the limiting distribution of the total cost will follow.
In the first part of this thesis (Chapter 1), we introduce the problem of interest and state the results of our work. In Chapter 2, we give an introduction about our main tool, singularity analysis. The central part of this thesis, namely Chapter 3, is devoted
to the derivation of the expected value and higher moments. These results will will
then be used in Chapter 4 for prove our main result. Finally, we end the thesis with a
conclusion in Chapter 5.


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