標題: 微杯電泳顯示器內帶電粒子之電動力學
Electrokinetics of Charged-Particles in Microcup Electrophoretic Displays
作者: 吳思頤
Wu, Szu-I
Huang, Yi-Pai
關鍵字: 微杯電泳顯示器;Electrokinetics;Microcup;electrophoretic displays;current response;optical response
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 近幾年來,平面顯示器技術越趨成熟,在節能與環保的考量下,電子紙漸露光芒。電子紙同時擁有一般顯示器資訊取得的便利性與及時性又有紙張的廣視角與攜帶的輕便性。其主要可分為三類:穿透式顯示器,自發式顯示器與反射式顯示器。相對於液晶顯示器,反射式電子紙較適合在戶外與長時間使用,且其雙穩態的特性使其更為節能,所以目前市場上較為普遍的技術為反射式的電子紙顯示技術。目前應用於電子書、價錢商標、軟性顯示器、智慧卡與手錶等。然而,反射式電子紙目前還有以下幾點需克服的議題:(一)如何增快反應時間,使其可應於動態影片。(二)如何讓它色彩化。 隨著大眾越趨重視電泳式顯示器,更多研究開始投入這塊領域。但大部分偏向研究量產方式、雙穩態品質、影像品質,少部分是研究內部電荷行為,導致目前物理機制的研究不夠完備與統整。除此之外,幾乎沒有研究是特別針對微杯電泳式顯示器或是提出此結構之模型來描述會影響電泳式顯示器的效能之內部帶電粒子行為。 本篇論文,除了反射式電子紙之電泳顯示器基礎物理特性之探討外,還結合電流與光訊號來深入了解電泳顯示器內帶電粒子的運動機制,並利用其物理特性找出增快反應時間的方法與設計出縮短驅動時間的波型。
In recent years, the development of flat panel displays has been more mature. Under the consideration of power saving and environmental protection, E-paper starts to glow. E-paper possesses both the advantages from general displays and paper. It provides the convenience and instantaneousness of obtaining information as computer does but with lighter, thinner volume and wide viewing angle as paper is. E-paper can be classified into three types, the transmissive, emissive and reflective types. In comparison with the transmissive and emissive types, the reflective types are more power saving because of its bistability characteristics, which make them more commonly used in the market. This technology has been applied in E-books, price tags, flexible displays, smartcards and watches. However, there are still some issues require to be solved. First of all, the method of reducing transition time in order to put videos into practice. Second, the method for realizing color E-papers. With a large interest in EPDs, research has been conducted mostly from manufacture type, image stability and the image quality. Fewer have been done from the internal charge behavior therefore findings regarding physical mechanism are not complete and unified. Besides, there was scarce research focus on Microcup EPDs or a model proposed to describe the motion of charged species which would be the major factor that dominates the criteria of EPD performances. This thesis not only confers with the foundation of physical characteristics of electrophoretic type of E-papers but also combines current and optical responses to get deeper insight into electrokinetics of charged particles inside EPDs. Besides, some methods are proposed and verified to reduce the transition time and shortened driving waveforms are designed based on the discovered physical mechanisms.


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