標題: 用於3G數據連線的手機應用程式代理系統
A Mobile Application Proxy for 3G Data Traffic Management
作者: 陳淑華
Chen, Shu-Hua
關鍵字: 行動網路;智慧型手機;手機應用程式;代理伺服器;使用行為;3G;Smartphone;Android;Mobile Application;Proxy;User Behavior
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 當初手機通訊服務下所設計的硬體架構最主要是為了語音通話用,相較於此,在使用手機應用程式查詢資料過程中,所獲得的資料因含有文字、圖片甚至影片,導致所需的行動網路頻寬遠大於語音通訊,而隨著此種使用行為的快速成長,漸漸地使得頻寬不敷使用,造成網路傳輸速度變慢、傳輸不穩定的狀況發生,也間接影響到原本的通話品質,甚至造成通話中斷的情形發生。 本論文於手機端上嵌入一代理伺服器作為研究起點,提出一套可解決現今通訊架構下行動網路雍塞問題的機制與系統。透過所設計的系統架構,蒐集豐富、詳細的使用資訊,其結果經過分析,可提供後續手機上的代理伺服器,更新應用程式內容的時機,而電信商也不需只利用新建基地台來解決此通訊問題,藉以降低營運成本。
Originally, the mobile communication architecture is primarily designed for voice communications. As technology advances, searching information via mobile applications such as text messages, pictures and even videos leads to escalating demand of bandwidth. When such behaviors become habits, the network will certainly face intensified network actions and gradually deplete the bandwidth even to keep the critical transmission speed requirement; users might frequently encounter drops or interrupts during calls due to the unstable voice commination quality. In this thesis, we present a cache mechanism based on an embedded proxy to moderate the congestion problems which become increasingly severe recently. Analyses on various details of behaviors collected from human-phone interactions may provide proper timing for automated updater or downloader to schedule activities, deliver smoother user experiences; the service providers can maintain satisfying quality without constructing extra base stations, lowering their cost of operations with such load diversion measure, which is beneficial to both suppliers and consumers in the market.