Title: | 基於空間巡行資訊下的決策過程之腦電波變化 Brain Dynamics Related to Decision Making Process based on Spatial Navigation Information |
Authors: | 王祈翔 Wang, Chi-Hsiang 林進燈 Lin, Chin-Teng 生醫工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 腦電波;決策過程;空間巡行;θ 波;α 波;EEG;Decision making;Spatial navigation;Theta wave;Alpha wave |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 決策過程的腦波變化在過往的研究中,往往只針對回饋產生後的事件相關腦波電位變化,且實驗內容通常為賭博性質的猜測。在本研究裡,我們建構一個立體虛擬迷宮,透過空間巡行的過程提供受測者建立自身的空間概念,並藉此空間資訊來進行腦電波的實驗測試。受測者在實驗過程中必需要利用空間想像,記憶提取等手段來做出適當的決策。在行為指標中,整體趨勢的表現在錯誤的部份需花費較長的時間;在腦波反應分析中,當受測者在下決定時,獨立成份分析的結果顯示在前葉區及中央皮質區有θ波(4-8Hz)的震盪,而在頂葉區則會有α波(8-12Hz)的抑制現象。 Previous studies of EEG changes in decision-making process, often focus on the event-related potential related to feedback, and the content of the experimental is usually purely numeric gambling task. We build a virtual environment for participants to acquire spatial information and to form the inner map of the maze by navigating inside. A binary choice task is perform after the training session. Participants have to use the spatial information, memory retrieval to complete the EEG experiment. In behavior results, a significant difference between correct and incorrect trials in response time is that the incorrect trials take subject longer time to response. In EEG analysis, results of ICA and ERSP show that there are theta waves in frontal and central lobe cortex, and alpha suppression in parietal lobe. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/47764 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |