標題: 自我回饋方式與休息時間對動態決策與情境覺察之影響
The Effects of Self-feedback Aids and Resting Time on Dynamic Decision Making and Situation Awareness
作者: 林承儀
Lin, Cheng-Yi
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 動態決策;自我回饋;休息時間;情境覺察;dynamic decision making;self-feedback aids;rest;situation awareness
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究的目的在探討自我回饋方式與休息時間長短對動態決策的影響。實驗中以電腦遊戲模擬淨水槽排水系統的動態決策作業,共有180位研究所或大學生被隨機分派至3(手寫筆記方式進行自我回饋、放聲思考方式進行自我回饋、無自我回饋) × 2(0.5分鐘休息時間、2分鐘休息時間)的六組實驗情境中,請他們在五回合的遊戲中盡力得到較好的表現。結果發現,兩種自我回饋方式與較長的休息時間都有助於動態決策績效的進步,且二者有交互作用。在決策間有休息2分鐘的情況下,放聲思考自我回饋方式的學習效果在第三回合即出現,但後續持續進步的現象比手寫筆記的自我回饋方式小。在決策間有休息2分鐘時,手寫筆記自我回饋組的效果在第四回合才出現,但持續進步,在第五回合時成為所有組別中表現最好的一組。但就動態決策情境模式的覺察而言,自我回饋與休息卻沒產生明顯的影響。
This study investigated the effect of self-feedback aids and resting time on dynamic decision making (DDS) performance and situation awareness. The DDS task was simulated by a computer game “Water Purification Plant.” A total of 180 college and graduate students were assigned to the 3 (self-feedback aids:write notes, think aloud, no self-feedback) × 2 (0.5-min or 2-min resting time) experimental conditions and were asked to do their best in the task. Results showed that self-feedback aids and longer resting time might improve DDS performance but only with longer resting time. With 2-min resting time, participants in the “think aloud” self-feedback condition outperformed the no-feedback group at the 3rd practice trial and performance stabilized thereafter. With 2-min resting time, participants in the “write notes” self-feedback condition outperformed the no-feedback condition at the fourth practice trial and they also outperformed the “think aloud” condition at the fifth trial. However, with only 5 practice trials, there was no sign that participants’ situation awareness improved with the aids of self-feedback or rest.


  1. 355302.pdf

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