Title: 建立應用於遠距居家照護之矛盾矩陣
Constructing a Contradiction Matrix for Tele-homecare
Authors: 詹涵伃
Chan, Han-Yu
Yuan, Chien-Chung
Keywords: 遠距醫療;遠距居家照護;萃思;四十項發明原則;Telemedicine;Telehomecare;TRIZ;40 Inventive Principles
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 近年來台灣乃至世界各國面臨出生率持續下降,少子化與人口高齡老化等人口結構重大改變,而衍生出遠距居家照護需求。遠距居家照護是一項結合服務、通訊與醫療器材的照護模式,運用遠距監控技術,使高齡者或慢性病患者能就近在居家或社區環境中,獲得保健、醫療、安全等無微不至的關照,目前世界各國正積極發展「遠距照護」,而台灣資通訊產業發達,整體資通訊環境建設完備,有相當潛力足夠發展遠距醫療照護體系,欲踏入此一新興領域的公司應如何能成功經營且解決經營管理的問題便顯得重要。

In recent years, the world’s population structure is facing to the continuous decline of birth rate, birth decrease and aging population. These major changes derives the need of telehomecare (THC). Telehomecare is a care model that combines services, communications, and medical equipment, and it uses remote monitoring technology to enable the elderly to enjoy a more convenient, comfortable and safe medical service at home or in community. Now the world countries develops telehomecare actively, Taiwan's ICT industry develops very well, and there is a solid foundation in overall information and communications environment, so there is sufficient potential to develop telehomecare system. It will be important how companies can successfully operate and solve management problems in this emerging field.

TRIZ differs from Brainstorming within the systematic thinking process. When facing problems, brainstorming is the most common method to seek for solutions. Neverthless, this thinking process is restricted to the experiences and backgrounds of participants and it takes a lot of time. TRIZ is a systematic problem solution method and is applies to engineering and non-engineering field recently. In this study, we applies TRIZ and review related literature to construct a contradiction matrix for telehomecare, managers could use this matrix and the 40 inventive principles to seek for appropriate solutions for telehomecare.
Appears in Collections:Thesis