Title: 無線電力傳輸技術應用於電動車基礎建設之研究
The Study of Wireless Power Transmission Applied to EV Infrastructure
Authors: 蔡昌翰
Keywords: 無線電力傳輸;無線充電;電動車;專家訪談;wireless power transmission;wireless charging;electric vehicle;inductive charging
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 近年來由於全球暖化、油價上升等因素影響,電動車逐漸成為汽車產業備受矚目的研發項目。然而推廣電動車大眾化的關鍵之一在於其基礎建設建置的完備。目前常見的充電設備以物理連接為主,最近則提出了以非接觸式充電取代的構想。若電動車非接觸式充電持續發展,在以非接觸式充電為基礎的使用環境下,亦有可能迂迴繞過純電動車的電池技術瓶頸,則未來電動汽車的發展與樣貌將很可能與我們今天所想像的大相逕庭。本研究針對當前電動車基礎環境、非接觸式電力傳輸技術與其在電動車領域之應用做文獻與資料探討,並對發展中可能之議題徵詢專家意見,對非接觸式電力傳輸應用於電動車發展之前瞻做描繪。
Due to global warming, rising oil prices and other factors, electric vehicle is becoming a high-profiled R&D projects in automobile industry recent years. However, one of the key factors to popularize EV in public use is the completion of the infrastructure of EV. The most common charging facilities of EV adopt physical connection, recently, the concept of replacing physical connecting charging by non-contact charging has been proposed. If the development of NPT(non-contact power transmission) applied on EV infrastructure goes on, the future vision of EV on the basic of NPT may be very different from the ideas today. In this study, we focused on the infrastructure of EV, NPT technology and its applications in the fields of EV infrastructure by surveying literatures and data to develop possible issues may confront in the process. According to the issues, we will ask some specialist for their opinions to depict the forward-vision of NPT applied on EV development.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文