Title: 台灣便利配配送流程之脆弱度分析
The Analysis of Vulnerability in ezShip Delivery Process
Authors: 鐘文伶
Chung, Wen-Ling
Feng, Cheng-Min
Huang, Yu-Kai
Keywords: 脆弱度;台灣便利配;故障樹分析;貝氏網路;Vulnerability;ezShip;Fault tree analysis;Bayesian network
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 網路科技日新月異,電子商務已普及於人們的生活中。消費者也逐漸改變了購物型態,改採線上購物的方式。雖然電子商務的科技發展愈來愈快速、安全,然而若沒有實體物流配送,仍無法將貨品送至顧客手中。由於實體配送與消費者的購物習性有關,消費者重視配送的效率、取貨的安全以及可得性,因此對於物流資訊化的要求也愈來愈高。因此,電子商務與物流的發展可說是相輔相成,缺一不可。
Because of great development in electronic commerce, online shopping has become more and more popular. Many marketing experts believe that websites are the most important retail channel. Online trade is not only business to customer (B2C), but also customer to customer (C2C). That is, people can buy or sell their own property through e-commerce systems like e-auctions. No matter which kind of trade is taking place, strong support from an efficient logistics system is necessary to send goods to customers efficiently and safely.
Convenience stores in Taiwan have integrated e-commerce systems into their logistics systems to develop a new retail delivery model in which consumers shop in an online store and pick up their goods in a convenience store. This model has had remarkable success. ezShip is the one of the retail delivery systems served by CVS.com. CVS.com is a joint venture fun by three convenience store chains: FamilyMart, OK, Hi-Life. This delivery system is complicated and risky.
Vulnerability is a concept in risk analysis. If CVS.com managers know which parts of their business are vulnerable, they can take action in advance and create resources to deal with those vulnerabilities. Resources can then be distributed appropriately to avoid risk. The objective of this study is to discuss the vulnerabilities of the ezShip delivery process using quantitative methodologies, fault tree analysis (FTA), and Bayesian network (BN). Firstly, we make interviewed experts to collect information about the ezShip delivery system. Secondly, we define the top event as: buyers do not receive their goods on the third day” as the most undesired event, and then mapped and measured a fault tree for this system. We then converted it into a BN. Finally, we evaluated the BN and did both predictive and diagnostic analyses to uncover vulnerabilities in the ezShip process.
The results of the BN were reasonable. It was found that technical personnel operational errors, POS system errors, system scheduling problems, unusual errors in, or breakdown of, the information system, and temporarily closed CS were the most vulnerable parts of the ezShip delivery system that had low failure probabilities. On the other hand, late e-map information updates, shift changes problems (DC), clerk errors, and shift changes problems were the most vulnerable parts that had high failure probabilities. Using our results, managers could reallocate resources and formulate strategies to strengthen the vulnerable parts of the system and reduce the frequency of the events that have higher failure probabilities.
Appears in Collections:Thesis