Title: | 低溫食品物流脆弱度分析 Analyzing the Vulnerability of the Food Cold Chain |
Authors: | 王筱茜 Wang, Hsiao-Chien 馮正民 謝承憲 Feng, Cheng-Min Hsieh, Cheng-Hsien 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 低溫物流;脆弱度;模糊認知圖;cold chain;vulnerability;fuzzy cognitive maps |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 為解決臺灣經濟結構性失衡課題,行政院優先篩選出亮點產業,目前已將低溫物流產業列為亮點產業,低溫產業完全是因應社會發展而來。而外食人口增加,保持食材鮮美原味顯然更為重要,低溫物流是為了幫助延長且確保貨物品質,保證低溫食品品質最重要的關鍵是需要良好低溫物流輸配送系統來完成。 若低溫物流系統受到外在危害衝擊時,為了解系統能夠承受之能力,可透過建構模糊認知圖,目的係協助決策者能夠短時間了解脆弱度因子間相互影響之程度。本次研究課題為:「低溫食品物流特性」、「低溫食品物流脆弱度因子」、「低溫食品物流脆弱度因果關係」、「低溫食品物流脆弱度因子之間相互依存程度」、「低溫食品物流關鍵脆弱度因子」,採用專家問卷方式並透過模糊認知圖方法分析。 以感受性模型系統變數作用圖對映出該因子所屬角色找出關鍵性指標以及主動性指標,再模擬改善後情境進行比較並且使用情境模擬之方式,比較前後模糊認知圖之脆弱度因子情況以作為政策管理意涵之改善依據。 In order to solve the imbalance of the economic structure in Taiwan, the Executive Yuan has selected some highlight industries such as cold chain for the development of the changing society. Apparently, it is vitally important to make the food fresh as more people dine out. Cold chain facilitates the quality and duration of the food and assures the accomplishment of an optimal system. When facing the impact of external damage the establishment of a fuzzy cognitive map can help the decision makers understand the affordability of the system and realise the degree of how indicators of vulnerability influence each other rapidly. The research that addresses the characteristics of the cold food chain are indicator of vulnerability of the cold food chain, cause and effect of vulnerability of the cold food chain and critical vulnerability indicator of the cold food chain and are conducted by surveys with experts and analysis of fuzzy cognitive maps. The sensitivity modal system reflects the factors of system roles of the variables of ping-ding in order to determine the critical and active indicators. The system compares the simulated situation after improvement and with simulated situations the former and latter indicator of vulnerability of fuzzy cognitive maps will be compared in order to improve the policy and management. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/72294 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |