標題: 提升供應鏈恢復力之敏捷配送模式
An agile distribution model for enhancing supply chain resilinece
作者: 郭蕙瑜
關鍵字: 敏捷;恢復力;敏捷配送;反應力;Agility;resilience;agile distribution;responsiveness
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 供應鏈隨著全球化的影響顯得更加脆弱,企業須加強本身恢復力以因應迅速變遷的環境並擁有相對競爭優勢。以往較少研究以敏捷配送的角度來探討恢復力,因此,本研究旨在建構一個敏捷配送模式以提升供應鏈恢復能力。為了測試敏捷配送模式在不同環境條件下的反應能力,本研究採用情境分析來評估模式的反應力以及最適運具選擇。 研究結果顯示水平間的存貨調撥是緊急事件發生後能夠迅速應對缺貨的措施。另外,結果也呈現出在較高事件影響程度以及較緊的時間限制條件下,模式反應出的配送運具選擇會偏成本導向,反之則為時間導向。由恢復力的敏感度分析結果來看,公司欲提升恢復能力的同時,也需要評估其最適合的恢復力程度,以最有成本效率的方式建立備援存貨。本文之研究結果顯示,透過該敏捷配送模式,供應鏈可彈性地在不同情境下做出適當的反應。
Today’s supply chain is getting more complex and vulnerable as disasters, either artificial or natural, may occur anytime around the world with significant consequences. It calls for a need of resilience ability while encountering emergency. This study introduces agility concept and quantified resilience index into distribution and develops an agile distribution model for the purpose of enhancing a resilient distribution supply chain. Several scenario analyses are conducted to examine the responsive measures of the proposed model. The results of the numerical experiment show that while facing a sudden supply disruption, transshipment is adopted as a quick response for mitigating the impact. Additionally, the adaptive distribution pattern would be more time tendency than cost under circumstances of higher impact severity and tighter time constraint. It implies companies should find a balance solution (time & cost) under various conditions. The study also suggests that seeking for a proper resilience level can build redundancy efficiently. All results display that the developed model is valid and viable as an analytical tool for emergency response planning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis