Title: 綠色運輸系統之規劃
Planning for Green transportation system
Authors: 魏嬿玲
Wei, Yen-Ling
Huang, Tai-Sheng
Keywords: 系統規劃理論;運輸系統;生態系統;綠色運輸;system planning theory;transportation system;ecosystem;green transportation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 因人類高強度發展造成大面積雨林之破壞及某些物種之滅絕,以致發生許多嚴重之自然災害,後來又因大氣臭氧層破洞,使人們更重視環境保育之問題。運輸系統也在此大環境下,被認為是造成問題主要原因之一,因而有永續運輸與綠色運輸等理念目標之提出,各國亦在「京都議定書」之協議下,進一步將這些理念目標列為各國運輸發展政策中。
本研究以系統規劃理論(system planning theory)為基礎,探討綠色運輸系統應有內涵及推動策略之研究,針對陸運運輸系統為對象,藉由綠色運輸(green transportation)及部分永續運輸之理念與定義,釐清綠色運輸之意涵,應該是在滿足人類各項活動旅運需求目的前提下,能夠兼顧環境保護、生態平衡、以及資源使用消耗最小之運輸系統。並透過運輸系統(transportation system)之組件、屬性及生態系統(ecosystem)之內容,找出運輸系統組件與生態系統之影響關係,以形塑全盤性之綠色運輸系統,並擬提綠色運輸系統之推動策略。
High intensity caused by human development of a large area of rainforest destruction and the extinction of certain species, so as to cause of many serious natural disasters, and later because of atmospheric ozone holes, make people pay more attention to the issue of environmental conservation. Transportation system is also this environment, is considered one of the main cause of the problem, which has sustainable transport and green transportation goals of the proposed concept, countries are in the "Kyoto Protocol" of the agreement, the target further out these ideas for the development of national transport policy.
In this study, system planning based on the theory of meaning and green transportation system should promote the strategy of research for the land transport systems as an object, by green transportation and sustainable transportation of some concepts and definitions, to clarify the meaning of green transportation, should meet the needs of human activities the purpose of travel, under the premise that balance environmental protection, ecological balance, and minimal resource consumption of the transportation system to use. And through the transport system components, properties and ecosystem of content, find transportation system components and ecosystem effects of relationship to the overall shaping of the green transportation system, and intends to provide strategies to promote green transport system.
In this study, the concept of view through the feedback, it is recommended to promote green transportation strategy in the face of human behavior change, clean energy and energy-saving vehicle technology development, environment and space resources, to the factors considered, the transportation system to promote Green policies can be the first to Establish green transport organization (push the policy) and encourage the use of walking
and cycling, promoting the use of public transport, the promotion of high-load transport by means of management and use of own car inhibition (pull of the strategy), practice green transportation system goals.
Appears in Collections:Thesis