標題: 中運量新運輸系統規格與籌建方式之研究
A Study on System Characteristics and Development Strategies for a New Medium-capacity Transit System
作者: 簡瑞森
關鍵字: 中運量;運輸系統
公開日期: 1981
摘要: 台北市由於大眾運輸需求年有增加,目前尖峰時間交通運輸之擁擠和延誤已相當嚴重,加以小汽車之快速成長,道路面積有限,發展公車十分困難,而信義副都心與新動物園亦將於最近開闢完成,急需適當之運輸工具予以配合。由於台北地區大眾捷運系統,目前僅在規劃階段,短期內尚難實現,因此如何引進中運量新運輸系統,以疏解日愈嚴重之交通問題,並作為捷運完成後之輔助運輸工具,實有其研究之價值與必要。 本文先以現有之日本大阪市與神戶市中運量新運輸系統研究基礎,了解其系統特性與適用範圍,以及其籌建方式與營運狀況,進而依台北市之交通特性,道路情況與我國國情,探討引進中運量新運輸系統規劃應考慮之因素,所需經費、施工期限、建設方式與營運管理訓練計劃等,以作為日後規劃設計之參考。
The objective of this research was to investigate the feasibility of developing a new medium-capacity transit system (NTS) in the City of Taipei, R.O.C. in order to meet the increasing demand for mass transportation. The new system is expected to release the existing heavy load on urban bus system, as well as the congestion and delay in the city streets caused by the rapid growth in auto ownership and use. It is essential that a detailed study on system charecteristics and development strategies be made in planning for such a new system. The study included a comprehensive investigation of the type, operating charecteristics, and development consideration of NTS system based on the experiences form the Kobe New Tram (KNT) and Osaka New Tram (ONT) in Japan. Some local factors such as the traffic demand pattern, the physical and political constraints of the City of Taipei were studied. The planning considerations, cost requirement, length of construction, development and management strategies, as well as the staff training plan ete. were also studied and recommended in this report.