標題: 大型遊樂園參觀運輸系統之研究-以台北市立動物園為例
A Study on the Visited Transportation System of the Large Amusement Park
作者: 洪志宏
Jyh-Hom Hom
Chuan-Fang Wang
關鍵字: 遊樂園;運輸系統;評估;多評準決策;amusement;transportation;evaluation;MCDM
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 大型遊樂園之特色為面積廣大, 園內有多項主題區供人觀賞或遊樂,並藉 遊客步道及參觀運輸系統來聯結這些主題區. 若參觀運輸系統服務效率低 時, 則遊客將受限於體力而只能局限就近參觀 ,且遊客無法儘速離園 , 造成滯園時間拖延, 形成假日園區內更形擁擠. 遊樂園參觀運輸系統之技 術型式從最原始馬車獸力, 遊園巴士, 小火車, 拖車, 纜車, 電動步道 , 至最現代化全自動控制單軌系統等, 而不同參觀運輸系統其提供運輸服 務方式即有不同成效和影響, 遊樂園需依本身條件, 選擇合適參觀運輸系 統. 本研究希望針對大型遊樂園構建一套參觀運輸系統評估模式, 並以台 北市立動物園作實例研究.台北市立動物園其總面積165 公頃, 開放參觀 部份約90公頃, 現有13個主題區,步道長約3.5 公里, 幅員相當廣, 園區 內有單線來回鳥園公車.本研究依台北市立動物園主客觀條件選擇符合技 術型式, 有巴士(含雙層巴士.小型巴士. 標準巴士) , 拖車, 纜車, 單軌 四種, 並配合單線環園, 雙線環園, 往返式三種路線配置, 而研擬七大 類11個方案, 最後依據台北市立動物園對參觀運輸系統功能與要求而擇定 以環境景觀, 公共服務, 成本效益, 營運操作為四項評估準則及建立13項 評估項目, 並透過多評準評估方法(MCDM), 評估出適合之參觀運輸系統替 選方案. The characteristic of the large amusement park is large area that many theme zones for people visiting or playing are linked by the walked road and the visited transportation system. in the large amusement park, the technological types of the visited transportation system have many kinds, such as stagecoach,visited bus,mobil train,cable car,auto controlled monorail. The purpose of this study will research for the model of evaluation to the visited transportation systems and be applied for Taipei Zoological Park(TZP). The area of TZP is 165 million square meters, visited space about 90 millionsquare meters,has 13 theme zones, length of walked road about 3.5 kilometers, bird-bus drive single line to and back.In this study according to condition of TZP cholce bus ,mobiltrain, cable car,monrail for the technological types,and three transit lines include single circle,double circle,to and back ,get seven types and eleven alternatives.Finally,according to TZP request for option of the visited transportation system and consider four goals and thirteen sub-goals,as well as use Mutilcriteria Decision Making(MCDM) to choice the optimum alternative.