Title: 需求反應運輸系統之可能型式及適用條件之研究
A Study on the Types of Demand Responsive Transit and Suitable Conditions
Authors: 王昱善
Wang, Yu-Shang
Huang, Tai-Sheng
Keywords: 需求反應運輸;可能型式;適用條件;Demand Responsive Transit;Application Types;Suitable Conditions
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 需求反應運輸(Demand Responsive Transit, DRT),為一種介於大眾運輸與私人運具間,一般而言適合用於偏遠需求較低的地區。我國因為偏遠地區使用傳統公路客運,不但服務水準無法讓當地居民滿意,而且造成業者嚴重虧損的問題,使得政府須編列巨額經費補助,為了提升偏遠地區民眾運輸之服務,交通部擬利用需求反應運輸系統取代以往傳統公路客運做為改善。在此背景下,交通部運輸研究所開始委託進行需求反應運輸系統規範之訂定,並以示範計畫的方式在桃園縣、宜蘭縣、台中市推動。依交通部運輸研究所委託研究之成果來看,我國之需求反應運輸系統主要是以先進設備輔助之,結合電信公司資訊管理系統及網路預約叫車系統,並以8人座之箱型車來服務偏遠地需求之民眾,但偏遠地區之民眾支付能力較低,如果使用不合適當地地區特性之車輛型式,勢必會造成成本之浪費,且建設成本過高必定會反應到票價上,如此一來需求反應運輸系統將只是一種新型的運輸方式,仍然無法滿足廣大偏遠地區民眾的需求。 依本文獻研究需求反應運輸系統之車輛型式採20人座中型巴士、8人座廂型車和4人座小客車,利用不同車輛型式在不同情境下營運得到績效值,透過成本分析模式將各個車輛型式之績效結果轉換為成本,進一步透過成本比較定義出不同車輛型式之需求反應運輸系統所適用之條件,其適用條件即為偏遠地區之走廊長度和走廊需求強度。 由分析結果可之,當走廊長度介於10公里到40.8公里之間,且每日運輸需求量介於139人到238人之間,適用20人座小型公車作為需求反應運輸之車輛型式;當走廊長度介於10公里到40.8公里之間,且每日運輸需求量介於90人到115人之間,適用8人座廂型車作為需求反應運輸之車輛型式。
Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) is a mode of transportation between mass transportation and private transportation, which is generally suitable for remote areas. The level of services available in the traditional bus service of remote areas in Taiwan, has not only resulted in dissatisfaction from local residents, but also serious losses to traditional bus service owners. Therefore the government must make provisions for substantial financial subsidies. In order to enhance transportation services in remote areas, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication intends to implement DRT as an improvement to traditional bus services. In this case, the Institute of Transportation commissioned a DRT project for setting norms and demonstrating projects in Taoyuan County, Ilan County and Taichung City. As a result of these projects, DRT is mainly based on the advanced equipment combined with telecommunications and internet information management systems, and the use of vans to serve the needs of people in remote areas. However, if an inappropriate type of DRT is implemented this would lead to a waste of costs as high construction costs will be reflected in the fares, and people in remote areas have a lower ability to pay for such means of transportation. As a result DRT will only be a new mode of transportation, but it still cannot meet the needs of people in remote areas. Our research adapts minibuses with 20 seats, vans with 8 seats and passenger cars with 4 seats as DRT vehicles. We apply different types of vehicles operating in various situations to get performance value, and then use performance value to convert costs through the cost analysis model. Further, we use the comparison of cost to define the suitable condition for different DRT types. The suitable condition was defined in accordance to the corridor length and corridor strength of demand in remote area. From conclusions, we know that the suitable condition of minibuses with 20 seats is corridor length between 10km and 40.8km and daily transport demand between 139 and 238 people; the suitable condition of vans with 8 seats is a corridor length between 10km and 40.8km and daily transport demand between 90 and 115 people.
Appears in Collections:Thesis