標題: 感性與理性綠色行銷資訊可信度對顧客價值的影響
The Study on Impact of Emotional and Rational Green Marketing Information Credibility on Customer Value
作者: 高嘉鎂
Kao, Chia-Mei
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
關鍵字: 廣告訴求;綠色行銷;可信度;顧客價值;advertising appeal;green marketing;credibility;customer value
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 環保議題不再是冷門的新聞,愛地球、節能減碳變成人人有責,消費者的環保意識抬頭,市面上主張環境友善(Eco-friendly)的綠色產品琳瑯滿目,惟漂綠的情形─廠商標榜其生產或是廣告的產品是環保的,實際上卻沒有實質的環保效益,卻讓消費者對綠色產品的印象打了折扣。 本研究依涉入程度不同,選擇了兩項產品為分析的目標,研究綠色行銷資訊可信度的影響,並設計感性與理性兩個情境,探討消費者的產品態度與顧客價值(包含傳統顧客價值與綠色價值),總計回收388份有效問卷做後續分析。 透過結構模式分析,以及卡方差異檢定,本篇研究結果發現,綠色行銷資訊可信度對產品態度有正向影響,然環保意識的調節效果不顯著,感性情境的綠色行銷資訊的影響力,值得廠商列入行銷考量。 最後藉由本研究結果,我們希望提供廠商、政府一些建議,以促進綠色產品的推廣。
Recently, environment issues have got a lot attention. Everyone should save the energy to protect the globe. Consumers have more awareness about environment and more and more eco-friendly products are showed in the market. Nevertheless, “greenwashing”(company spent adverting on being green, rather than spending resources on environmentally sound practices) made consumers doubt about green products. In this study, we choose two products based on involvement to be objects and to see consumers' product attitude and customer value (including traditional customer value and green value) toward rational and emotional green marketing information. Total 388 valid questionnaires are collected for further analysis. By using SEM and the chi square difference test, we find that green marketing information credibility does have positive impact on product attitude. However, the moderating effect of environment awareness is not supported. On the other hand, we cannot omit emotional green marketing information's influence, which is of great worth for marketing. Last, we offer some suggestions to company and government by our research results.