標題: 品牌知名度、廣告文案訴求、廣告模特兒與自我監控對廣告效果之影響
Brand Awareness, Advertising Appeals, Advertising Models and Self Monitoring on the effectiveness of Advertising
作者: 王安琪
Wang, An-Chi
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 品牌知名度;廣告訴求;廣告模特兒;自我監控;廣告效果;廣告態度;Brand Awareness;Advertising Appeals;Advertising Model;Self Monitoring;the effectiveness of Advertising;attitude toward advertising
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 國內消費者的消費行為正處於轉型期,商品的價值不能再以單純的功 能或外 表來掌握。為了要刺激消費者潛在的欲望,滿足消費者的需求 ,並促進其購買的 行動,許多創新手法且極富創意表現的廣告也應運而 生;而身為流行訊息的代言 人,廣告必須能反應社會現象,掌握社會群 體的價值觀與行為模式,結合商品訊 息,方能達到銷售的目的。如何才 能兼具創意與配合消費者需求,這就是行銷人 員與廣告主最迫切必須知 道的,因此,本研究便針對廣告中不同的組成因子,並 利用消費者本身 的人格特質作區隔來加以測試,以做進一步的瞭解。 本 研究以品牌知名度(高、低知名度品牌)、廣告文案訴求方式(感性訴求 或理性訴求)、模特兒圖像的呈現與否,消費者自我監控程度等為四個自 變數,廣告態度、產品態度以及購買意願為依變數,以彩妝產品與保養產 品為測試廣告中的實驗產品,企圖由2x2x2的實驗設計,透過變異數分析 來瞭解各自變數之間的主要效果及交互影響,以作為日後制訂廣告策略時 之參考。 研究結果顯示: (1)不論是彩妝或保養產品,『模特兒與產品主角同時呈現-感性訴求』組 合, 其廣告態度皆優於『產品主角-感性訴求』組合。 (2)彩妝產品方面,品牌知名度、廣告文案訴求、廣告模特兒與自我監控 在產品 態度上,皆沒有顯著差異。保養產品方面,廣告文案的理性訴 求,其產品態 度優於感性訴求。在低知名度品牌的情況下,『模特兒 與產品主角同時呈現 -感性訴求』組合,其產品態度優於『產品主角- 感性訴求』。『理性訴求 -產品主角』組合,其產品態度優於『感性 訴求-產品主角』組合。高自我監 控者比低自我監控者有較佳的產品態 度。 (3)彩妝產品方面,『理性訴求-高 知名度品牌』組合有較高的購買意願;『低 知名度品牌-感性訴求』組 合亦有較高的購買意願。保養產品方面,品牌知 名度、廣告訴求、廣 告模特兒與自我監控在購買意願上,皆沒有顯著差異。 For inducing consumers' underlying desires, understanding what they need, andmaking them to take the action of purchase in the end , more innovative and creative form of advertising presented in the media .Advertising plays an extremely important role in modern marketing activities, enterprises have to know that how the advertisements can both be creative and fill customers' needs and wants. Therefore, thisresearch adopted several variances of advertising design ,and consumers' characteristics-self monitoring to get a further understanding. The main objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the"attitude toward advertising", "attitude toward product" and "buying intention" under different type of brand awareness (low / high), different type of advertising appeals of the copy (emotional / rational), the presentation of the source (both the advertising model and the product / only the product) , and varying level of subjects* self monitoring (low / high). This study uses 2x2x2 factorial experimental design. The representative for advertising product is "cosmetics", including make-up and treatment. Questionaire survey young women which are age between 18 and 40 lived in the downtown of Taipei and Hsin-Chu City is adopted for data collection. To realize the main effects andinteraction of the independent variables, MANOVA and ANOVA are used for data analysis. The major finding through empirical demonstration are:1. No matter what kinds the cosmetics is, the attitude toward advertising is higher in the "both the model and the product / emotional appeals of the advertising copy"package.2. In make-up product, attitude toward product has no significant difference in the four variables : brand awareness, advertising appeals of the copy, the presentation of the source and the level of self monitoring. In treatment product, attitude toward product is higher when the rational appeals of the copy is adopted, and in "both the model and the product / emotional appeals of the copy" package under the low brand awareness than "only the product / emotional appeals of the copy" package. And it's also higher in "rational appeals of the copy / only the product" package than "emotional appeals of the copy / only the product" package. Attitude toward product of monitoring subjects is better than low self monitoring subjects. 3. In make-up product, buying intention is higher in the "rational appeals of the copy / high brand awareness" package than the "emotional appeals of the copy / high brand awareness" package, and "low brand awareness / emotional appeals of the copy" package than "high brand awareness / emotional appeals of the copy" package. But in the treatment product, buying intention has no significant difference in the four variables.