標題: 消費者購買油電混合車因素之研究
A Study on Factors of Buying Hybrid Electric Vehicles by Consumers
作者: 施孟宏
Shih, Mong-Hong
Yang, Chyan
Chin, Feng-Pien
關鍵字: 油電混合車;科技接受模式;計畫行為理論;hybrid electric vehicle;technology acceptance model;theory of planned behavior
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 從工業革命以來,人類運用煤礦、石油等天然能源,然而這些能源是在地底蘊藏上千萬年,人類工商業快速發展下,僅僅花費幾百年就要消耗一空,因此一種新的能源模式必須建立。在交通產業方面,有鑒於純電力運作尚不成熟,油電混合車成為各家車廠的發展新寵,因此本文欲探討消費者對於油電混合車的接受態度,作為未來汽車產業發展的參考。 本文以科技接受模式(TAM)和計畫行為理論(TPB)為研究架構,針對消費者對於購買油電混合車的可能影響因素,加以研究分析。本文利用問卷對台灣地區的消費者進行抽樣調查。藉由研究結果,本文提出對油電混合車發展應用的建議,包含商業應用和學術應用。
People use energy resources from industrial revolution such as coal mine and petroleum, because of developing quickly, these resources are consumed quickly, but these resources are hidden under the ground for many long years, people now have to build a new energy resources supplying model. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) becomes popular in Transportation industry, this research will discuss consumer’s acceptance of HEV. This research is combined technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB), analyzes influencing factors of buying HEV by consumers. This research’s questionnaire is filled in by Taiwan consumers. This research makes some suggestions in business application and academic application.


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