標題: 金融海嘯對顧客群之影響—以定期航運產業為例
The Financial Tsunami Effect on Customer Segmentation ---the Shipping Industry
作者: 陳泓志
Chen, Hung-Chih
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 定期航運產業;金融海嘯;顧客區隔;主成分分析;集群分析;需求價格彈性;符號檢定;shipping industry;the financial tsunami;customer segmentation;principal component analysis;cluster analysis;price elasticity of demand;the sign test
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 由於2008年開始的金融海嘯波及全球經濟,伴隨著投資的減少及顧客需求的衰退,使得各國政府及企業皆面臨數十年來最大的危機,思考要如何因應及渡過經營困境。而在這段期間,如何把握既有的客戶,便是一個非常重要的事情,但由於一間企業所擁有的每一個客戶特性皆不同,不同類型的客戶在面對總體經濟變化所造成的反應與因應方式也不一樣,所以企業對於不同類型客戶應該要採取不同策略的管理,因應客戶情況的變化。因此本研究將藉由顧客關係管理的角度去研究金融海嘯期間對於定期航運產業的變化,首先選區顧客區隔變數進行主成分分析,縮減變數。接下來利用縮減後的主成分,對定期航運業者的交易資料進行客戶的集群分析,將顧客進行分類以區隔顧客,並將顧客加以定位。接下來再進一步計算每一群顧客之需求價格彈性,並利用無母數檢定之中的符號檢定進行需求價格彈性的檢定。最後透過需求價格彈性以及交易指標之變化,研究不同族群顧客之間,在面臨經濟危機之下所發生之變化,以提供未來企業在資源配置與行銷策略上面建議。
Since 2008, the financial tsunami had affected the global economy, along with the reduction in investment and customer demand recession, making governments and companies were facing the biggest crisis. During this period, how to keep existing customer base was a very important thing. And there were many different characteristics of customers in the customer base, so companies should adopt different management strategies for different types of customers. Therefore, this study will be through customer relationship management perspective to study the financial tsunami effect on customer segmentation in the shipping industry. And this study will use the principal component analysis and cluster analysis to segment the customers. Eventually, this study will give the advice that the company how to allocate the resource and make the marketing strategies on financial tsunami.