Title: 不同網站平台的橫幅廣告效果比較及其與產品類型之關聯探討
The Comparison of Click-through Rates of Banners among Different Websites and the Influence of Product Type
Authors: 程海威
Cheng, Hai-Wei
Ding, Cherng
Keywords: 網路廣告效果;橫幅廣告;廣告點擊率;Effects of online advertisement;Banner;Click-through rate(CTR)
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 台北市網際網路廣告暨媒體協會的報告指出,台灣整體網路廣告市場規模已經達到了85.51億新台幣左右的規模,網路廣告的重要性與日俱增。為了解影響網路廣告效果的因素,本研究針對網路廣告中最普遍的橫幅廣告進行資料分析,資料來源為ADQoo酷盈科技公司所蒐集的真實網路瀏覽者點擊資料。本研究利用實證分析的方法,試圖瞭解不同產品類型的廣告是否因為網站平台的不同,而對於廣告點擊率有顯著影響,並進一步比較哪些產品類型的橫幅廣告較適合投放在哪些網站平台。 研究結果發現,以娛樂性質為主的網站,不論投放何種產品類型的廣告皆可以獲得良好的廣告效果,而曝光程度較高的網站,並不如預期地會獲得最佳的點擊效果。廣告主應根據自己的產品屬性,選擇適合的投放網站。最後以客觀的角度,提供廣告主及廣告商橫幅廣告的適合投放網站組合與定價之建議。
According to Internet Advertising and Media Association (IAMA), Taiwan’ overall Internet advertising market has reached the scale about 8.55 billion. Online advertising is getting more and more important. To understand the factors which affect the online advertisement, this article takes the data analysis for banner advertisement which is most popular in online advertising, and attempts to examine the effects of different product type and different websites on click-through of banner advertisements. The results showed the click-through rates of websites which were higher in website traffic, were not as much as predictable. No matter what the product type is, banner advertisements on entertainment oriented websites could almost have great CTR. Advertisers should select the appropriate sites according to what their product type is belong to. Finally, this study provides advertisers and advertising Banner-Website portfolio and suggestions for pricing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis