標題: 陪同偵訊制度之研究—以家庭暴力事件為研究中心
A Study of the Regulation of Escorting Crime Victims to the Investigation - Focusing on the Domestic Violence Cases
作者: 邱于柔
Chiou, Yu-ro
Lin, Chih-Chieh
關鍵字: 家庭暴力防治法;家庭暴力;犯罪被害人;陪同偵訊;刑事訴訟法第二百四十八條之一;Domestic Violence Prevention Act;Domestic Violence;Crime Victims;Escorting to the Investigation;Article 248-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 相較於犯罪被害人,我國刑事司法系統長期以來著重於「被告」之角色及其權利之保護,使得多數無法成為刑事訴訟程序當事人之犯罪被害人宛若成為刑事訴訟程序中之一項「證據」。而家庭暴力被害人之地位則更為低落,由於我國傳統家族主義之觀念,家庭暴力案件在相當程度上被視為「私領域」之議題,司法體系秉持著「法不入家門」之傳統觀念及父權思想,一貫地對家庭暴力事件採取寬容或輕忽之態度。 1998年,臺灣制定了亞洲第一部家庭暴力防治法,以防治家庭暴力及保護被害人權益為目的,更首度強調了對家庭暴力問題之公權力介入以及家庭暴力犯罪化的策略,正式宣告我國「法入家門」的時代來臨,司法系統亦就此加入了防治家庭暴力的行列。我國近年來針對陪同家庭暴力被害人出庭之相關議題已逐漸有深入的討論,但受到偵查不公開原則之限制,關於陪同家庭暴力被害人接受偵訊之議題則少有著墨。 家庭暴力事件之加害人和被害人間由於具有家庭成員間之關係,使得其與一般暴力犯罪案件有著本質上之差異。家庭暴力被害人亦因為其特殊性,特別容易在司法程序中受到二度傷害,而對於陪同制度有著更為強烈的需求。又偵查程序往往係被害人第一次進入法院所接觸到的程序,偵查程序中之證據調查活動與被害人處境,更係影響案件之後是否能有效起訴之重要關鍵。本文先透過文獻回顧法與比較法研究等方法,分析家庭暴力事件及其被害人之特殊性、目前刑事司法系統對於家庭暴力之回應,以及陪同偵訊制度之相關規定。接著再透過質性研究方法,向相關實務工作者進行深度訪談,以瞭解陪同偵訊制度目前在實務上之落實情形,以及陪同人在家庭暴力事件之偵查階段所能發揮之功能及其所遭遇之困境。希望能透過對於陪同偵訊制度相關問題之釐清,以供我國未來修法借鏡,並確保家庭暴力被害人能在偵查程序中獲得更適當的保護。
Compare to the crime victims, Taiwan’s traditional justice system focused on the role of “defendants” and the protection of defendants’ human rights in the past for a long time, and made most of the crime victims who were not able to be one of the party of criminal procedure merely became “evidences” in the court. Among all types of crime victims, the status of victim of domestic violence is much lower because of the traditional concept of familism. For the concept, the justice system believed that domestic violence issues belonged to private sphere and the legal system shouldn’t step in it. Taiwan incorporated the first Domestic Violence Prevention Act in Asia in 1998. The Act has been incorporated to prevent domestic violence and to protect the interests of the victim of domestic violence by emphasizing the strategies of intervention of public authority and the criminalization of domestic violence. In the meantime, the justice system also officially became one of member of the domestic violence prevention network. Although there has been many discussions regarding the related issues of escorting victims of domestic violence to the court hearing, few is centered on the issue of escorting victims to the investigation due to the detection not public principle. Since domestic violence is a violent confrontation between “family members”, it is essentially different from other ordinary violent crime cases. For the reason that the victims of domestic violence are easily to get secondary victimization in the criminal procedure, escorting service is especially needed for them. Furthermore, investigation procedure is often the first procedure that the victims have to attend in the court, and is also the key of the criminal prosecution. This thesis will first analyze the specialty of the domestic violence and its victims, the legal system’s responses to the domestic violence, and the relevant regulations of escorting crime victims to the investigation. Next, this thesis will conduct an in-depth interview of qualitative method with practitioners to find out the execution situation of escorting system, the functions that the system has and should have, and the difficulties that the practitioners are facing now in domestic violence cases. Hoping that this study could make a clear suggestion for further law amending, and ensuring the victims of domestic violence could all get appropriate protection in the investigation procedure in the future.


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