Title: 都市擴張-建築架構的再詮釋
Urban sprawl - Re-interpretation of the Architecture
Authors: 李政儒
Keywords: 都市擴張;登機系統;植生;住宅;社會導覽;Urban sprawl;Boarding;Vegetation;House;Social Navigation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 都市化(urbanization),是社會學的名詞,指人口不斷向城市聚集,城市數量和規模不斷膨脹的現象,交通及人類生活方式開始改變。 台灣的都市化現象自 1970 年代工業發展經濟起飛,都市人口也進入快速成長階段開始。目前有將近 73%的人口居住在都市地區。 事實上,在 2000 年時,全世界將近 50%的人口是居住在都市地區,而未來 2020 年將會有高達 60%的人口集中於都市地區。快速都市化及工業化的結果,提供人類更多聚集都市的機會, 但因人口自然成長的速度減緩,人口遷移所帶來的社會成長,成為都市發展的動力。台灣地區地狹人稠,高速鐵路建設、環島公路和都會捷運建設完成,將會促成台灣地區各都會人口的消長,都市將快速擴張並影響城鄉郊區並帶動新的都會生活形態,本研究以此為背景,探討都市蔓延下,建築之可變性來適應及改善都市化現象衍生出之問題,社會問題有都市擴張及都市邊緣化等現象,而環境問題則有都市的熱島效應及都市之水平衡問題,由尺度大至尺度小主要分成四大方向: 1.交通系統網絡的系統改善-透過智慧型登機系統改善現行登機系統,並運用交通策略解決機場造成的都市擴張現象。 2.住宅建築形式的改變-透過植生住宅來解決都市擴張下郊區住宅所帶來的問題。 3.公共建築資訊數位化-將當代藝術館資訊導覽透過虛擬數位化,創造與以往不同的參觀體驗。 4.建築表層可動性-透過流動牆創造空間的可動性及多樣性,並呈現可變資訊。
Urbanization refers to the population to the urban agglomeration, the phenomenon of the number of cities and the ever-expanding scale, transportation and human life style began to change. The phenomenon of urbanization in Taiwan’s industrial development since the 1970 economic boom, rapid growth of urban population into the stage. There are nearly 73% of the population lives in urban areas. In fact, in 2000, nearly 50% of the world’s population living in urban areas, while in 2020 there will be next up to 60% of the population concentrated in urban areas. The result of rapid urbanization and industrialization, the city gathered to provide more opportunities for humans, but the natural population growth has slowed, population migration, the social growth, as urban development. This study as a background to discuss the urban sprawl, the construction of the variability to adapt and improve the urbanization phenomenon derived from the issues, social issues and urban expansion and urban marginalization phenomena, and environmental problems are urban heat island effect and have urban water balance, by the large scale to small scale is divided into four directions: 1.Improve transport system 2.Vegetation residential construction 3.Digitized information of public buildings 4.Facade mobility
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