標題: 策略教學結合電子註記對國小學生閱讀線上科學說明文之效果
The Effects of SOI Strategy Instruction Supported by Annotation System on Reading Online Scientific Expository Texts for Elementary Students
作者: 陳欣渝
Chen, Hsin-Yu
Lin, Sunny S.J.
關鍵字: 閱讀策略;篇章理解;科學說明文;電子註記;國小學生;reading strategy;text comprehension;scientific expository text;annotation system;elementary student
公開日期: 2010
摘要:   本研究根據SOI閱讀歷程模式(Mayer, 1996)結合電子註記工具之輔助,設計出適用於國小高年級學生的科學篇章閱讀理解策略─「iRuns策略」,含畫重點(選擇重點)、作筆記(組織多篇文章的相關概念)、寫摘要(統整多篇文章)。由老師教導學生閱讀多篇相同主題科學說明文時運用此三項策略,並於後續探討全體學生線上閱讀的策略效率與理解效果,以及分析不同起始閱讀能力學生的差異,與註記工具使用類型(剪貼或打字)對篇章理解表現之影響。   研究對象為55位國小高年級學生,教學前依照學生起始閱讀能力分成高低兩組,全體接受九週的線上科學文章閱讀課程。老師教導運用iRuns策略後,要求學生閱讀三大主題(地震、火山及聖嬰現象)文章,每一主題含多篇文章(一篇主文,一到三篇輔文),並收集三種閱讀策略的效率及科學篇章理解測驗得分。其中,策略效率經由兩位研究生評定分級,有良好的評分者間信度,科學篇章理解測驗為自編測驗。   研究結果為(一)多時間點的三種策略(畫重點、作關聯筆記、寫摘要)效率均略微下降,且起始閱讀能力高者的策略效率恆優於低閱讀能力者,但經過多次教學後兩者的差距呈現逐漸接近的趨勢。(二)兩組學生的科學篇章理解,因文章難度與熟悉度的不同而出現明顯波動,高難度、低熟悉度文章之篇章理解表現較差。(三)起始低閱讀能力者的策略效率與篇章理解表現有顯著相關,其中以筆記與摘要最為明顯,表示低閱讀能力者使用閱讀策略受惠較大。(四)使用不同的電子註記類型(打字與剪貼)作關聯筆記的品質亦有所差異。打字筆記的簡潔度較高,而剪貼筆記內容品質(關聯性及重要性)較佳。   未來研究仍需注意學生閱讀動機並適當地控制文本難度。最後依據研究結果提出具體建議,供教師閱讀教學與家長陪讀之參考。
  The purposes of this study were two folds. First was to design three reading strategies to help school children reading science expository texts online with the supports of an annotation system. The so-called “iRuns” strategies were proposed based on SOI model of knowledge construction from Reading expository text (Mayer, 1996) to include “underline” (selecting main ideas), “annotation for connection” (organizing important ideas) and “summary” (integrating multiple concepts). Then a field study was conducted to explore whether elementary students could efficiently adopt iRuns strategies and gain comprehension on reading online scientific expository texts about earth science topics, i.e. earthquake, volcano and El Niño. The author attempted to explore the relations between reading strategies and text comprehension and to compare differences of reading strategies efficiencies and comprehension between high and low reading ability students.   A total of 55 5th and 6th graders from an elementary school in Hsinchu participated in the present study. Students read online expository texts with scientific topics (each topic contained a main article and one to three extended articles). At the same time, they received iRuns strategy instruction (underlying, annotation, and summary). This study also evaluated the students’ text comprehension performance by “Earth Science Comprehension Test” and scoring reading strategies efficiencies. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The iRuns reading strategy efficiencies decreased slightly across three time points and high reading ability students’ three strategy efficiencies were always better than those of the low ones. However, the gap between the two groups was gradually closer through the series of instruction. Those who initially were better in underlying excelled than the initially poor ones all the way through the learning process but the discrepancy was getting closer. 2. The Earth scientific comprehension performance was influenced by the difficulty and familiarity of reading materials. 3. Low reading ability students’ reading strategy efficiencies correlated with the reading comprehension performance significantly (especially the annotating and summarizing strategies were both significant) but it didn’t hold for high reading ability students. It indicated that low reading ability students benefited more from the iRuns strategy instruction in comparison with the high reading ability students. 4. The quality of annotating strategy was affected by using different types of annotating (typing/copy-pasting). The result suggested that typing could improve the efficiency of annotation and copy-pasting could benefit students in choosing highly correlative main ideas across texts. According to the findings of this study, suggestions for teachers, parents and researchers in the future were proposed.


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