DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Chien-Hungen_US
dc.contributor.authorChien, Chouen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著資訊科技不斷進步,民眾接觸資訊及網路的頻率越來越高。在此情形之下,資訊專業人士所持有的技術及角色之重要性也隨之提升。本研究者在檢視國內外相關文獻後得知:由於資訊專業人士所具備的技術對社會有一定的影響力,且專業行為所涉及的倫理層面甚廣,因此資訊專業人士必須透過資訊專業倫理加以引導與規範其行為。此外,本研究者認為:在大專院校的資訊科系中,資訊專業倫理觀念實有教導之必要。本研究旨在了解國內大專院校資訊科系的資訊專業倫理授課現況,並透過「資訊專業倫理另有概念雙層次測驗」440份有效回收問卷,探討資訊科系學生可能存在之另有概念。最後,對國內的資訊專業倫理相關課程提出具體建議。經本研究者調查國內大專院校資訊科系的開課現況,以及分析雙層次測驗問卷後,得以下研究結果: 1. 國內大專院校資訊科系僅有約四成的系所開設有資訊專業倫理相關課程,其中修課規定以選修略多。 2. 國內的資訊專業倫理相關課程中,狹義的資訊專業倫理類型課程較少,而廣義的資訊倫理以及資訊法規則較多。前者的授課內容著重於倫理學與專業人士應具備的倫理為主,後者則著重於資訊素養與法律。 3. 資訊科系學生對於「透過社會共識進行思考」、「缺乏倫理決策與解決方案規劃的能力」以及「偏重手段合理而忽略目的合理」等倫理思考具有另有概念。 4. 資訊科系學生對於「法律誤用」、「著作權、隱私等法律觀念不健全」以及「保密議題的判斷依據不清」等法律概念思考具有另有概念。 5. 資訊科系學生對於「對產品的責任歸屬認同度不高」、「自我權益保障意識較高」以及「對公╱私領域的界線劃分不甚清楚」等專業人士的權利與義務具有另有概念。 6. 具有全職工作經驗、以及無工作經驗者在資訊專業倫理另有概念雙層次測驗的得分顯著優於兼職工作經驗者。 本研究者根據上述研究結果,得知資訊專業倫理相關課程在國內確有推行之必要性,並根據研究結果對課程規劃提出具體建議,供授課教師進行參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the advent of technology, people have had the chance to get access to information technology and the Internet more and more often. Under the circumstance, the competence which information professionals have and the roles which they play have become more significant. Because information professionals’ competence might cause considerable impacts on regular users and their professional behaviors could involve many ethical issues, information professionals have to be guided and ruled by information professional ethics. Thus, information professional ethics have to be taught in information departments when they are in higher education. The study intended to investigate the curricula offered by Taiwan universities’ information departments and categorized their students’ possible alternative conceptions by a self-developed two-tier test. Based on the investigation of curricula and the analysis of 440 respondents’ answers to the test, the results are as follows: 1. Approximately 40% information departments have offered information professional ethics-related courses. Among these, elective courses are slightly more than required ones. 2. Among these information professional ethics-related courses, more courses cover the content on general information ethics and information laws/ regulations; fewer courses cover the content of professional ethics, such as the basic concept of ethics, conduct codes, ethical decision making, and so on. 3. The students have alternative conceptions on ethical thinking, such as social consensus-based thoughts, the lack of the conception of ethical decision making and solution making, and the focus of means rather than goals. 4. The students have alternative conceptions on laws, such as law-misinterpretation, the lack of knowledge in copyright/ privacy laws, and insufficient conceptions of confidentiality. 5. The students have alternative conceptions on their rights and obligations, such as the lack of attribution of responsibility to the product, over-emphasis on their personal-related rights, and insufficient conceptions on distinction between the public domain and the private domain. 6. The students who have full-time working experience and who have no working experience at all have significantly higher scores than the ones who have only part-time working experience on our two-tier test. According to the results, the researcher stated that it is necessary to offer the information professional ethics curricula for information departments in Taiwan colleges and universities. Finally, the researcher provided concrete suggestions for the curriculum development of information professional ethics.en_US
dc.subjectinformation department in the universityen_US
dc.subjectinformation professional ethicsen_US
dc.subjectinformation professional ethics and related courseen_US
dc.subjectalternative conceptionsen_US
dc.titleThe Study of Information Professional Ethics Curricula and Students’ Alternative Conceptions in Taiwanen_US


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