標題: 在NCTUns 網路模擬器上實作增進LTE上QoS效能演算法
Improving LTE QoS Algorithm over the NCTUns Network Simulator
作者: 鍾天寧
Chung, Tein-Ning
Wang, Shie-Yuan
關鍵字: NCTUns;網路模擬器;LTE;QoS;NCTUns;Network Simulator;LTE;QoS
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 智慧型手機不斷推陳出新,普羅大眾對於使用手機3G上網已經越來越普遍,這樣的情勢發展下,使用者對電信網路的速率要求日益增進,各制定標準機構紛紛提出4G網路的標準,例如:Wimax、LTE,目前LTE聲勢看漲,為未來4G網路的發展重點。LTE網路為3GPP制定的標準,目前已有廠商製造出LTE的設備,但是LTE網路目前還未被使用,因此本論文實作上使用NCTUns網路模擬器開發LTE網路,觀察LTE網路的網路行為,節省了各廠商希望觀察各種網路拓樸下,LTE網路的效能的時間以及佈線成本。
Mobile phone manufacturers continuously promote new smart phones and people commonly use 3G networks to retrieve information from the internet. This situation causes users to request higher transmission speeds on Telecommunications networks. To solve this problem, network standard bodies are proposing 4G network standards such as WiMAX and LTE.
LTE is a 4G standard that is proposed by 3GPP. LTE devices have been produced now, but LTE networks have not been deployed widely yet. For the above reason, in this thesis we implement LTE network standards over the NCTUns network simulator. The LTE network simulation modules implemented over the NCTUns network simulator allow a researcher to easily study network behavior and save experimental costs.
On a LTE high-speed network, a user can usemany services in the future; for example: online movie、video conference ... and so on. Undercertain conditions, the QoS scheme has become very important, and therefore this thesis proposes three algorithms toimprove QoS efficiency in LTE networks.