標題: 異質無線網路之連線管理
Connection management for heterogeneous wireless networks
作者: 簡沅春
Chien, Yuan-Chun
Tseng, Chien-Chao
關鍵字: 異質無線網路;Android;保持最佳連線;服務之連續性;heterogeneous wireless networks;Android;always best connection;service continuity
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著無線網路技術之進步,在行動裝置上配備多種異質無線網路介面以成為趨勢。但是這些行動裝置卻往往缺乏一個有效的連線管理機制,讓行動裝置可以有效地使用最合適的網路進行連線,進而無法保證服務之連續性。為了解決這個問題,我們在以Android為基礎的行動裝置上,設計和實作了一個針對異質網路的連線管理系統,我們的系統提供了介面管理模組提供介面選擇模組來監聽及連線至最合適之網路。另外,透過Session管理模組,應用程式可以維持可用的連線進行傳輸。實驗顯示,我們的系統能夠有效地整合異質網路,能在異質網路間漫遊時保持最佳連線,維持服務之連續性。
As of wireless technologies continue to advance, mobile users have developed a need for “seamless” service while roaming heterogeneous wireless networks. Guaranteeing continuity of service requires an effective mechanism to optimally use the available access networks. We propose a connection management system on the Android, the most popular smartphone platform in 2011. Our system consists of three modules: Interface Management Module (IMM), Interface Selection Module (ISM), and Session Management Module (SMM.)
IMM provides a unified interface for ISM to monitor the current connection status and select the best network for connection. Moreover, we propose a session management to maintain an available data connection for application with SMM. The experiment results indicate that our connection management meets the goal of always having the best connection while maintaining service continuity.