標題: 基於消失點的快速多攝影機人物定位
Fast Multi-Camera People Localization Based on Vanishing Points
作者: 周致傑
關鍵字: 多攝影機;人物定位;Multiple Camera;People Localization
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 以視覺為主軸的人物定位與追蹤,一直都是個重要的課題,而這些不斷發展的技術也提供了廣泛的應用。近年來,多人物定位追蹤方法不斷的被提出,目的都是為了要有效的處理遮蔽的問題,而本篇論文以垂直於地平面的消失點做為基礎,對前景區域建立二維樣本線段,並透過cross ratio對各視角之間的二維樣本線段進行分析過濾,以減少後續人物定位所要的計算。而我們的方法,也改善了[11]所需的計算花費,進而達成即時的人物三維定位。實驗證明我們能在多人且遮蔽嚴重的環境下,改善了兩倍的效能,並且沒有犧牲正確性與定位之精確性。
People localization and tracking has always been an important and challenging task in vision-based surveillance system, and the growing number of developed techniques has created a lot of applications. In recent years, a lot of approaches of people localization and tracking have been proposed to deal with occlusion problem effectively using multiple cameras. In our work, algorithms based on vanishing points are adopted to generate 2D line samples of foreground images. The 2D line samples from all of views can be filtered via the proposed cross ratio analysis between each pair of cameras so that the computation of people localization can be reduced. In particular, the method developed in [11] is improved to achieve real-time 3D people localization. Experiment results show that our method can speed up the original method by two times without losing correctness and precision.


  1. 558901.pdf

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