DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorEman Yasser Daraghmien_US
dc.contributor.authorYuan, Shyan-Mingen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著時代的演進,手機逐漸成為人們外出時,不可缺少的東西,然而隨著手機的功能越來越強大,不僅僅只適用於通話之中,在日常生活中,常因為各種因素如:宗教信仰(素食、禁止吃牛肉、豬肉或飲酒等)、體質問題(過敏、疾病)以及減重需求需計算每日卡路里的攝取等因素,而這些因素將影響我們對於飲食的需求,因為宗教信仰而不能吃某些食物,因體質問題必須進行飲食控制等,現在我們可以利用手機來協助改善我們外出飲食購物的需求。為此在本論文當中,將提出一套系統-”EZBuy My Product Info”,使用者可以利用該系統,方便地購買符合使用者的喜好和需求的產品,而這套系統將結合網路服務平台與手機軟體應用。透過網路服務平台,使用者需先行註冊個人資訊與特殊需求並進行編輯,例如:宗教信仰、慢性疾病或體質問題,造成在飲食中不能有哪些食物出現,以及查詢歷史購物清單,了解曾經買過哪些產品或是分享所買的東西,如:建議購買的產品、寫出他們對於購買該商品的評價,以及提供飲食控制與健身相關資訊等。而在手機軟體之中,藉由手機裝置上的攝影機,針對所想要購買的產品,掃描上面的條碼資訊,與所提供的網路服務平台進行連線,透過條碼資訊進行產品查詢,取得產品的各種資訊給予使用者參考,如:產品中包含的成分是不是有不符合特殊因素需求,例如包含:牛肉、豬肉或是素食等、有哪些疾病者可能需要注意這些產品可能對你會有所影響或是該產品中所包含的卡路里有多少等各種資訊。然而根據使用者使用本系統後進行調查每位使用者對於該系統的功能是否可協助他們的需求,,本系統對於使用者而言可以提供一個方便的查詢他們對於購物時的參考資訊來源。在另外一方面,也將針對實作系統所需之條碼讀取技術進行探討。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the steady growth and affordability of camera phones, available hardware and communication systems, and modern middleware technologies, more necessary mobile applications have become possible. These technologies integrated with barcode systems assist developing mobile-phone based barcode recognition applications. These applications can facilitate people shopping and improve life quality. Consumers can use the mobile built-in camera to scan a barcode that presents on virtually every product world-wide, then middleware and communication technologies are used to recognize the barcode and access product-related information. Because the creation of such mobile phone based applications that provide services and information to real-world objects is currently very attractive, we propose an innovative software system called "EZBuy: My Product Info" that makes use of modern middleware technologies and available hardware and communication systems. People can use the system to easily buy products that fit with their preferences and needs. The system consists of mobile-phone J2ME based side to scan product barcodes, recognize it, submit user inquiries to a server, and display results. Results are related to whether users can eat or drink the product based on user preferences and needs such as religion (no meat, beef, pork, or wine), or health settings such as allergies, chronic diseases or calories. Also, the system includes web services "User web page" to facilitate user access to online profiles for editing accounts, and subscribing to other services. The results of testing our system show that the system can provide useful services for consumers and satisfies their needs.en_US
dc.subjectmobile shoppingen_US
dc.subjectpersonalized shoppingen_US
dc.subjectmiddleware techbologyen_US
dc.titleEZBuy: 個人化採購輔助系統zh_TW
dc.titleEZBuy: Personalized Shopping Assistance Systemen_US


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