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dc.contributor.authorWu, Chia-Lienen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, An-Pinen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文中,首先經由成長模式、環境分析及競爭策略等理論文獻回顧公司營運的基礎。經過簡單介紹電源管理及設計產業環境後,再針對台灣已公開發行且營收排名前十大的電源管理設計公司,經由財務報表分析方式,進一步了解各公司長期經營客戶及公司內部產品及資源運用和營收成長性、公司獲冺性之相關性。最後,運用研讀文獻之理論基礎,進行環境分析及競爭策略分析來看個案公司的營運策略的適當性,並做成結果與建議。 本研究中,個案公司是華爾街金融風暴後新創之電源管理IC 設計公司之一。在營運及競爭策略趨同下,做為產業中之後進者,在草創階段,高度成長是必然要挑戰的第一項任務。本論文亦嘗詴探討並建議新創公司如何先跨越所面臨的早期市場『鴻溝』障礙。並依本論文中,同業產品及競爭策略的成功經驗提供新創公司營策略之建議,以期早日進入主流市場成為『指數成長型』的中小企業。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, we have investigated several case studies of a firm’s operating strategies regarding how a start-up company performed its strategy formulation and execution to overcome various growth obstacles. At first, we have some basic studies on the theories of environment analysis, competitive strategies and growth models, and then we have a brief introduction of Power Management Design Industry, including Power ICs and Devices themselves, the device functions and applications, and then the Power industrial environment. After the following financial investigations and analysis of Taiwan top 10 companies in Power Management Design Field, here we focus on the financial factors related to the company taking off from the year of company founding year, or new product development stages in the next operation periods, we tried to link the firm growth rate to firm’s core capabilities found in their public fiscal reports, including core technologies and product lines. In this study, the case study company is a new company founded in the year of Wall Street's Financial Crisis happened, major focus is on the Power Management Solution providing. At the current knowledge age, all have well understood on the operating know-how and skills in business. As a new comer, follower in the competitive markets, how to do, or what strategies would the new company adopt to win the first business on the helping the firm quickly catches the market profit as the new resources for the next investment on the new product line buildup?en_US
dc.subjectPower Management Designen_US
dc.subjectGrowth Strategy and Competitive Strategyen_US
dc.title新創科技公司競爭策略的個案研究—以台灣電源管理設計E 公司為例zh_TW
dc.titleA Case Study of Competitive Strategies of a Start-up Company in Power Management ICsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis